Lucas Sinclair

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Okay so this is one in the future (like 3 years ISH) where the reader is always fighting with Lucas but it's just because they like each other ;) enjoy!

Also — warning, there is a lot of swearing in this one.

"Lucas! Watch out you shit head!" I yell as Lucas almost runs into my bike. I swerve and end up running into a tree. All my friends stop and run over to check on me.

"Y/N are you okay!?" Mike asks alarmed.
Lucas get of his bike and starts laughing. I lay there for a second and stair up at the branches above me.

"Earth to Y/N?" Dustin pokes me with his foot. I inwardly groan.

That asshat made me fall on purpose!

I slowly turn my head towards Lucas and glare at him.

"Lucas is going to get it." announces Will as they all stepped back knowing how I get when I'm angry.

"You *wheeze* flew *wheeze* out of your seat!" Lucas struggles to talk as he bends over with his hands on his knees barely keeping himself up as his body shakes with laughter. I stand up and dust(in aHAHAHAHAHH I hate myself) myself off.

I pick up my bike, set it against the tree, and then slowly walk over to Lucas. He slowly stops laughing and straightens himself up. I walk towards him, trying to keep my cool.

"You piece of shit! You made me fall on purpose didn't you?" I say, my plan to keep my cool obviously being thrown out the window.

"What? No I didn't." Lucas said obviously lying.

"You're lying! I tell, Lucas!" It's true. We've fought so many times I can tell when he lying and when he's not.

"So maybe I did! What are you going to do about it?" He smirks at me and crosses his arms.

I freaking swear. Who does he think he is?

I roll my eyes. I shove his shoulders back with a little bit of force. Not too hard, I would never actually hurt him. He shoves me back a little harder. I glare at him.

He wants to go hard? I'll go hard.

"Um guys." I could hear Dustin from a far take a step forward.

"Maybe we shouldn't fight I me-" he's not able to finish his sentence because Lucas and I both glare at him.

"Okie dokie, never mind then." He says to himself as he steps back. I turn back to Lucas and I push him harder than before. I grow a smug smirk on my face as he stumbles back a few steps. I can see in his eyes he's getting really annoyed. He pushes me down and this time and I fall. I fall so fast his weight gets off balance and he ends up falling on top of me. We both glare at each other.

I couldn't help but let my gaze flicker down to his plump lips but I quickly focus back on his chocolate brown eyes. This was officially the closest our faces have ever been.

"I hate you." I whisper.

"I hate you more " He whispers back as his eyes flicker to my lips. He smashes his lips on to mine and I kiss back. The kiss is full of all the emotions that we have been ignoring the past years.

"Finally!" Dustin exclaimed in the background.
We quickly pulls away blushing after we realize what had happened.

I stare up at him. I guess I don't really hate him as much as I thought.

"Umm guys." Mike pulled us out of our thoughts.

"We're kind of going to be late for school."He states awkwardly. Lucas and I both widen our eyes as we shoot up.

"Crap!" We both curse as we get our bikes. We all bike to school in silence.

We get to school and start walking to class. Dustin was talking to Lucas and I was talking to Will about our most recent D and D campaign. Mike was god knows where, probably making out with Eleven again.

Our conversation was interrupted by Lucas being shoved in my direction by Dustin. Lucas looks nervous and he turns around back to Dustin.

"Just ask her!" He whispered loud enough for me to hear.

Great job Dustin.

"Hey Y/N?" Lucas approaches me scratching the back of his head.

"Yes Lucas?"

"I was wondering if maybe you wanted to hang out sometime, like a date or something?" He asks avoiding my gaze. I laugh a bit at how nervous he is.

"It would be my pleasure Lucas." I smile at him. He grins and turns around to fist bump Dustin. I turn to Will and he was smiling.

"Took you guys long enough!"