Cuddle Preferences

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   Jonathan, being the photographer that he is, would just spend time memorizing every single detail on your face as if you were a picture

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Jonathan, being the photographer that he is, would just spend time memorizing every single detail on your face as if you were a picture.He would trace every crease and every scar and every dimple on your face and you would do the same to him.


You guys would just cuddle like this and talk about your day

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You guys would just cuddle like this and talk about your day. Mike really liked to talk about what he was worried about or what happened and you were both really good listeners. You would also just ask each other random questions or trivia until you would eventually fall asleep.


Since Lucas isn't really a touchy feely guy, he thinks having you there is what is most important, not so much the cuddling

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Since Lucas isn't really a touchy feely guy, he thinks having you there is what is most important, not so much the cuddling. You guys just lie next to each other and rest in each others company.

Okay so I can't find an exact gif for this one because I had an exact image in my head so I just used a bunch of pics.

Dustin:Okay so I can't find an exact gif for this one because I had an exact image in my head so I just used a bunch of pics

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^^without the laptop of course,more like a show on the tv

^^without the laptop of course,more like a show on the tv

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Cuddling for you and Dustin was more like sitting with blankets and pillows as you watch a show together

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Cuddling for you and Dustin was more like sitting with blankets and pillows as you watch a show together. You liked that Dustin didn't judge you for eating more than an average girl and Dustin thought the same about you. Occasionally one of you would make an extra effort and build a fort and you guys would just lay in there and talk (and eat, too😂)


Steve usually feels like he has to put up walls and act like a stereotype due to his friends and his popularity

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Steve usually feels like he has to put up walls and act like a stereotype due to his friends and his popularity. You are the only person he puts down his walls for and it usually happens when you're cuddling. He talks about his problems and really lets his emotions show around you and you listen and give advice. Its kind of like a mini therapy session. Afterwards you guys get tangled in each others arms and fall asleep happy and full of love.

I want to make this for all sexualities so I'm adding Eleven :)

So eleven isn't much of a talker and so for her having you there is all she needs

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So eleven isn't much of a talker and so for her having you there is all she needs. She likes being hugged because she feels like she's being protected and that she's safe. It helps her sleep better and makes you feel like like the best girlfriend/boyfriend in the world.