Chapter #27

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Hero b-   'Him''s POV

I walked back threw the portal to my mansion in the nether, and called 40 zombie pigman to come to me soon as possible.  While I waited for the zombie pigmen to get here, I summoned the beast my father had given me, I already knew what it was, but it has been so long since i'v seen one, it was a mutated zombie pigman, and it wore wither skeleton's skulls as armor, and always spawned with a spiked ball on a chain with it.  It looked down at me, with it's dark, cold eyes.  I gave it a map and explaned the plan to him. He would guide the normal pig men threw the portal, and distroy the village the portal would spawn in, whitch was near the ones that were needed to be distroyed. They would distroy the village, to scare the Collin, and his friends and give them second thoughts, then the mution pigman would guide the pigmen the survived to the temple with the prophacy, we could not let them find it. The giant pigman looked at the map again and put it on his belt he had around his waste. Soon, all the pig men had arrived, some wearing armor, but most of them didn't, all they had was a gold sword. I built the portal and light it, and soon, the small army of pigmen, and the mution pigman, were walking into the portal. Then, from just standing next to the portal, I could hear the screams of the villagers trying to get away from them, I grined, and walked to the other portal I used to see what was going on in the world at that very minute, whitch I was useing the watch Collin, Hera and their friends. I looked to see what they were doing, they were fighting the pigman off, killing one by one. Then when Hera was killing a small one, the mution came up right behind her, one of her friends shouted to her, and she turned around, then, the mution pigman swung his ball and chain at her.


Hera's POV

I was killing one of the tiny pigmen when Jane shouted at me.  "Look out!'' I turned around, to be met by a huge zombiepig man with armor made of three wither skulls, and had a ball and chain, and on the ball at the end was sharp spikes.  I shut me eyes tight.  ' this is the end.' I thought, but the killing blow never came, I opened up my eyes and and gasped at what was infront of me. Mike had teleported infront of me, and he held his sword up, blocking the monster's attack, the ball and chain looked so heavy, but it didn't seem to bother him, he then took a sword that was laying on the ground and pointed it at the pig man's neck, it didn't move.  Mike just moved slitly, and the monster quickly moved away from Mike's sword, then grabing one off the ground for him to use. He swung, and Mike blocked. The giant pig man swung again, and Mike dodged it. He then teleported behind it and stabbed it in the back, the monster fell to the ground on his hands and nees, he then got up and ran for the portal, not very fast though, then it triped and only half of him was sticking out from the portal. Mike teleported and hit one of the obsidian blocks, moving it out of place, causeing the portal to shut off, and leave only half of the giant pig here, and the other half probably in the nether, killing it. (A/N.  I do good?  :3) After getting out of my shock, I ran over, first looking at the portal, the half of the mution pig man, then Mike.  ''How the heck did you do that?!'' I said.  The others ran over, after killing the rest of the pigmen. "I don't know, I just did?'' Mike answered, a little confused.  "What's that?'' Ashley said while pointing at a rolled up peice of paper on the belt of the half mution pig man. I bent down and picked it up and unrolled it.  ''What is it?'' everyone kept asking me. It was a map, leading to a temple in the jungle.  ''I know were we should go next.'' I said, while handing the paper to them to look at. ''I think 'him' sent these monster here, and after they ruined the village, he had told them to go and protect the temple.'' I guessed.  "well, if that thing'' DJ said while pointing to the half mution pigman. ''was carrying it, it has to have some value.'' DJ finished.  ''Then why are we standing here? Let's go!'' Mike said. We all ran back to the small house we had made and got all of ower stuff and ran out, while following the map to the location it was leading us to.

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