Chapter #33

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I just want to say, thank you all for reading this far, and for supporting this story by voting and leaving comments. :) Thank you all!

we are very close to da end, whitch is probably sad for you, but very exciting for me, because this will be my very first story i'v finished! (besides ''The Screech'', whitch is more of a short story more than a normal story)


'Him's' POV

I watched as Collin yelled at the witch, telling her they woulden't surrender, she just grined and let the giant monsters pick them up, and squezz them to death. I looked at them threw the portal, amused by their pain, I looked at every single person, then my eyes came to Hera, she was gasping for breath, trying to hit the monster with a lightning bold, then, the monster squezzed his grip so much she let out a scream, and so did some of the others. Hera then coughed up a little bit of blood, tears coming down her face, I had this weird feeling seeing her like this, but I wasen't sure what it was. Mike seen her and imidiatly kept trying to get free, he got one of his hands free and begain to punch the monster in the face, but the monster just moved him away, and then since Mike was part enderman, he begain to remove some blocks, but they would just fly right back into place.

Ashley tryed to melt the monster, but that didn't work, and it just tightened it's grip around her. Elizabeth tryed to turn into a wolf and get away, but it didn't work. Jane kept trying to mine the monster with a pickaxe she had, but the block would just spawn back to were it wonse was, and the giant would tighten his grip around her. I heard a scream again, it was Hera, the same weird feeling kept coming back everytime I seen her like this, and when ever I thought about her, maybe this just wasen't a good enough way to kill them? I told the witch to make the giants loosen their grips, and bring them to me in my mansion.


Hera's POV

The monster tightened his grip, I let out a scream of pure pain, and so did some of the others, Mike kept struggling to get free from the monster's grip. The monster's grip around me kept getting tighter, I coughed up a little bit of blood, while crying, and then screamed again. I looked at Mike, his face was pale, and was gasping for air, and so were me, and the others. Just when I thought it was over, the witch shouted at the monsters to stop tightning their grip and to losen it, thank Notch they did, my lungs felt like they were going to explode. The monsters set us down on the ground, all the others, excepte me, had blacked out from not getting enough air, but were still alive, I could barely stand, or breath. The witch walked over to me and threw a splash potion at me, and everything went black.


Sorry for this chapter being so short, but I thought that would be a good spot to leave it off. >:)

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