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"Eliot!" My friends yelled to me from a distance.

Two of them, both propping themselves up on their bikes. One foot on the pavement and one on a pedal, ready to leave at any moment. My bike was next to them, lying on its side.

"Come on man! Let's get out of here!" Liam called.

I was too busy staring into the source of the bright blue light engulfing me. It was bright, but not blinding. And even though it was just a beam of light, I felt as thought matter was moving all around me. Like little foam beads, hugging my frame. The muffled screams from my friends were barely audible or understandable. But I did here a low, light buzzing noise. The buzzing began to grow louder. I looked down and noticed that I was no longer standing on the paged road, but rather several inches above it. However, I still felt as though I was standing on solid material.

"Eeellllliiiiot!" Jamie yelled.

As the buzzing became more apparent, I levitated farther from the ground. I heard a muffled thump. I looked to my right and saw Jamie and Liam throwing small rocks from where they were situated. The lights, like a force field, absorbed the shots and threw them right back from which they came with equal force. Liam and Jamie turned their heads lifted up their arms to block the rocks. I wanted to yell, to get out.

But I couldn't. I didn't want to. Even though I did, the light somehow relaxed me. Zen. My brain sent signals to the muscles in my body to move, but they simply refuse them.

My friends, frightened, started to pedal away.

"Sorry man!" Liam shouted back as he and Jamie went back from the way we came.

I continued to float. I felt as though I was traveling in a slow and smooth elevator. The light's intensity began to grow. I closed my eyes.

The buzzing became louder.

And louder.

And louder.

The inside of my eye lids were lit red.

The buzzing was loud, I couldn't even hear myself think.

I also began to hear machinery, gears and zaps.

My eyelids returned to their dark state.

I opened them.

I saw two white almond shaped lights, floating in mid-air.

"Hello." Someone or something said. "Do not be afraid. We come in total peace."

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