Avery...The Dreamer Chapter 1

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This is my first story. Don't expect it to be Best Sellerish but I think this is going to be good. P.S. Please tell others to read it. Thanx.

Chapter 1

Avery POV

Wow. This is good. This feels good. The feel of the sun beaming down on me, the breeze, and the smell of the ocean is true paradise.

Drowned in my thoughts, I miss the figure advancing towards me. Wow. His jet black hair and blue eyes make him the most beautiful guy I've ever dreamed of.

Oh my gosh he's smiling at me. Should I smile back? No. Just, wave. What? Wave, are you nuts Avery you can't wave at him that's just stupid. Oh goodness, do something quick before he thinks your retarded. I smiled back at him. Good. Everything's going to be okay, hopefully. Oh snap he's walking again. Where's he going? Huh! He's coming to me. Oh boy, I hope I look good because if I don't I'll be sure to jump off the cliff over there when he leaves.

"Hi, I'm Rhys. What's your name?" He flashes me with that award winning smile. I think I'm going to faint. Oh snap! I'm thinking too much again. Tell him your name, already!

"Hi, um, I'm Avery. I think." You know what Avery, you need to stop thinking.

He laughs. "Well, it's nice to meet you Avery. Would you like to go swimming with me? More than you will ever know.

"Yes, I'd..." I started but was interrupted by another voice. "Avery." Urggh, leave me alone voice, I'm trying to have fun with my new soon-to-be swimming buddy.

"Avery." "Rhys, I..." "Avery." No, everything's getting blurry. I'm loosing Rhys. GO AWAY VOICE! "Avery."

Whoosh. I can't believe it, I'm back to reality.

"Avery, c'mon its time for lunch, you've been daydreaming for the last 5 minutes. Let's Go."

"Vivienne, you couldn't have waited 5 more minutes? I was dreaming very good dreams."

"No, I'm very hungry. Now let's go."

Great, I'm back to my real life. The complicated one filled with drama, drama, and more drama.

I guess I should introduce myself I'm Avery Emerson. I'm currently in the second half of my 8th grade year at St.Georgia Elementary School. I'm would say that I'm athletic, quirky, intelligent (momma didn't raise no foul), and sometimes I'm shy. But other than that I'm pretty normal. As you can see, I get a little off track sometimes. Well, not off track I just like loose focus. I dream. I'm a dreamer and I would say its one of my best qualities. Would you consider that a quality or a flaw, oh I don't know?

Anyway, so far after reading all of this you probably think I'm crazy. Don't worry; I'm not offended because I am. Not like psycho or serial killer type crazy but as in like weird or peculiar. So, I'm going to tell you about my life. My life is pretty hectic so hang out... Ok are you ready. One, two, three, Go!

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