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Dinah's POV
She was the light of my life. I fell head over heels in love with her. I love her. Always have, always will. I can never stop. My heart is in the palm of her hand. She can crush at any given moment but she doesn't. I'm not surprised either. She has shown me nothing but love. She took my heart and treats it as her own. I don't remember what I was without her because  I don't think I was anything. Lauren WAS. IS  and WILL always be my everything. I can't imagine a world without her smile or laugh. Not even her voice. She makes the most out of everyday and helps people no matter what. One time we were having some money trouble and she still managed to give 20 dollars to a man freezing on the streets. He today is a business man and does anything for Lauren. He used to send anonymous checks to her. (Not too much) Until she found out and told him that he didn't have to.

Loving You  (Laurinah)Where stories live. Discover now