Love is hard (Part 3)

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Dinah's POV
I've been tied to this chair taking all whole bunch of things. I've taken beatings and kisses from men I didn't know. I'm pretty sure I had a bruise on my ass from how many times I've been slapped with men's dirty hands and 2 times a belt. Luckily I haven't been "sexually" assaulted. I mean a kiss is nothing to me unless of course they've got HPV or some shit. But I couldn't fight for myself. I tried for Lauren but that's when the beating started. My face had only been smacked once but they made that guy leave. For some reason they weren't allowed to hit me in the face. I've been sitting on this chair for the past 5 hours. Every 5 hours they would give me the time unless I was sleeping. But I couldn't sleep, not knowing that Lauren was somewhere out there and I was stuck here. I cried and cried every time I was alone. If they saw me crying I would be punished. Each tear is equivalent to two smacks. I learned that the hard way. I was supposed to protect Lauren, keep her safe. And I couldn't even protect myself. I let the one person who loved and cared for me more than anything... Down. I let her fall. I wasn't here to catch her. I wasn't there to pick her back up. I wasn't there at all. But I'd rather her live and hate me than die, loving me. I wouldn't be able to live with myself. What's the point of living if your life was taken away? I was pulled away from my thoughts when a girl with a mask entered the room. She had two men standing behind her with masks on.
"How are you today Dinah?" She asked. But the voice coming from her was the voice of a man.
I sarcastically chuckled.
"How am I today? What kind of question is that? How am I today!? Wouldn't you like to know? I've been through nothing but hell these past hours and you have the audacity to ask me how I'm doing?!!! " I snapped.
"Well, I was trying to be polite but I guess you have an attitude."
"An attitude?" I scoffed.
"Wow. So you want me to be all happy and respectful when you've had men hit me? Marking my body and placing slobbering kisses all over MY lips. Yeah okay! Let me pretend that everything's fine and I'm not being kidnapped right now." I rolled my eyes and glared at her.
"Well you could've been a bit polite about it. Your lucky I asked you, instead of going straight to business." She said before coming close to me.
"Here's the deal.... You get to spend an hour with Lauren anytime you want! But only if you-
It has been about 30 minutes and I am drained out. Camila's end of the deal, was worse then I expected. I had vomited in the bathroom after the first 15 minutes and now was waiting for her to escort me to Lauren. I wasn't allowed to do any "funny business" with her even though at times like these that's the last thing on my mind.
"Alright, boys! Satisfied? It's been 30 minutes. Now it's time for her to go." The boys moved away from me and left me there, unclothed. I tried to get up quickly m, still sore from the even that had taken place. I put on the clothes, the girl had thrown at me.
"Alright let's go Hansen!" She said. How did she know my name. She seemed to know a lot about me. She stood in front of a rusty metal door and opened it with a few pushes. I saw her. My love. She was facing the wall. Back towards us. I stood behind the lady. She tried to hide me behind her but I could see right over her. She got out of the way and let me enter. She closed the door behind me. And I heard her walk down the hall until her footsteps weren't audible at all. I stepped closer to the chair afraid of what she's been through.
"Get out!" She was crying. The crack in her voice said it all.
"Go away!" She cried harder.
I took a step forward, very cautiously.
"I said go away Camila! I don't want to speak to you!" She threw a picture on the floor and it landed face down at my feet. I picked it up and covered my mouth with one hand, softly gasping. It was me. I was in the trunk. I didn't even notice they took a picture.
Lauren's POV
I was so done. All Camila came in for was to convince me to love her. To get Dinah out if my head. Out if my life. She basically best me down with words everyday just speaking of Dinah. I couldn't imagine how hurt she was.
"Lo?" I heard. I recognized the voice. It was the voice I fell in love with. I quickly turned around and was met with a scared brown eyes. She'd been crying, but she was here. In front of me. I quickly stood up wrapped my arms around her neck, also burying my face in the crook of her neck. I just cried. I cried for what seemed like a long time but it was only a few minutes. We just stood there in silence. Until she parted us, but her hands still firmly placed on my waist.
"Lo, I've missed you so much."
She whispered.
"How'd you get here?" I asked slowly. There wasn't anyway Camila would've just let her come in here.
"They got to me. But don't worry about me. You need to get out of here." She said.
"What about you?" I asked scared of what she was trying to say.
"I'll be okay. I have a plan. And I'm willing to take it."
"Tell me how you got here. What do you mean the got to you?" I asked again. This time placing my hand under her chin to tilt it so she was facing me.
"I can't-"
"Dinah, it wasn't your fault babe. You can say it." I said looking into her eyes with sincerity.
"The-y- They- had me-...."
It took her a hit to fully explain Camila's deal and you have no idea how much I just wanted to strangle Camila right now. How could she do that.
"Dinah..." I kissed her lips for the first time in days I think. I didn't know what the date was. I've been drugged so many times I didn't know what time I woke up. They didn't give me time anymore. They said it didn't matter.
"Lauren you've gotta listen to me when I say this."
I nodded my head and grabbed her hands.
"You need to let go. I've only got 20 minutes left in here. Let go of me, for now."
"Dinah I can't. I love you."
"I love you to and that's why I need you to do this. The only way out is through what Camila calls a heart. You have to go with her. Which by the way j didn't know that girl was Camila. I don't know what's gotten into her." She shook her head but she was serious.
"I'm not going to stop loving you. Nor will I. But you need to let go of me so you can be free. You need to move on for now. As long as you're alive I will be happy. Lauren the only way out is this way. We can't fight back, there's too many of them. I love you more than anything, Lo. I hope you know that. But I can't keep holding you back. I'm putting you before me because I care. Maybe in the future we will see each other again." I was crying and she was crying. Why wouldn't we be. I was about to pretend like Dinah didn't exist and I had to love Camila. It was going to be the hardest task. Loving someone I don't even like as a person. Loving someone who doesn't have my heart. Loving someone while thinking of someone else.
"Dinah. There won't be a day when I'm with her that I won't think about you. If you see us, don't be afraid, please. Come talk to me. I'd love to see your face anytime. That monster may have me, but you have my heart." I kissed her passionately before giving her a tight hug.
"I love you. Lolo, don't you forget it." Just then Camila walked in the room. This was probably the last time I would see Dinah. The last time I'd see the love of my life.
"Alright, Dinah. Any Last Words?" Camila asked. Dinah turned to me and smiled.
" Please Dinah, Don't do it again. Don't go through it again." I said. She knew what I meant. Don't go through the trouble just to see me. It wouldn't be worth anything. She nodded sadly and walked in front of Camila.
Dinah's POV
I knew that was the last time I'd see her. But I wasn't ready for it. The last time I'd see Lauren. She was in trouble and I couldn't save her without sacrificing everything we had. She had to let go of me sooner, for the future she has, isn't next to me. I want getting her back. Camila would make sure of it. She was always the Jealous type and now she found a way to get Lauren. She found a way to ruin my life. She took away the one most important thing I craved, loved, and cared about. Life. Lauren was my life. I can't explain it another way. I whispered the three words I used to love the most. I used to say the most.
"I love you." But now, now I had to change that. I wouldn't be able to say those three words again and mean it unless they were spoken to Lauren. My Lauren, not any other Lauren in the world. No one was like her. Camila took me into a room that looked like my room at home for some reason.

"You get to go here for behaving yourself with Lauren." She said.

"You were watching us?" I asked immediately. She must've heard what I said to Lauren.

"Of course. I had to make sure you followed my instructions. But I couldn't here you guys cause the same mechanic won't fix the audio already. Plus I would've put mute because all I would've heard was..
Oh my god I love you this or its gonna be okay that. And I don't want to hear your fake bullshit." She said as we entered my "room".

"What happened to you Mila? We were close and your letting all do down the drain." I said confused.
"Dinah, we were never close. All I wanted was Lauren and you took that from me. So now I'm taking her from you!" She pushed me back on the bed.

"You were with Mani!! You broke her heart, because YOU were afraid to tell Lauren how you felt. I wasn't! I didn't take anything from you! You can't claim a person that didn't even know your feelings. You always want what you can't have. You've always been like that! The jealous one. When you had Mani right there. She loved you Mila. You shouldn't of taken her heart if you didn't love her back."

"See your wrong Dinah. I get what I want. And I want Lauren. With you not here, I can have her. Your only here a few more days. Just a few more... But plans have changed. Things change tomorrow." She walked out of the room. The same man came in from the last time and beat me. Even if I did nothing wrong.
"You don't speak to your fellow instructors like that." 
He said. He grabbed arms and flipped me on the bed. He slipped my shirts and underwear off and slapped my ass, I'm pretty sure leaving marks. After 15 I stopped counting, but he continued until I blacked out.
A/N so I'm gonna change the chapter names but it's still going to be part 1 2 or 3, and 4. The chapter named Lovin You is going to be either the last chapter or the chapter that isn't included in the "part chapters". But the ending is coming.... Sadly. This want supposed to be like my other books with 16-20 chapters. This is a short story with long chapters.

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