Chapter 5

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Just a heads up, I'll be updating this one more often now, just wanna get the story done before I forget all my ideas. >.<

I'll still update [My four lovers] of course, just not as often. So sorry! >.<

anyways.. Enjoy!! ^_^


Groaning, Alex held her throbbing head.

Why did she feel like she'd been hit by a car?

Her eyes felt like it had been sealed shut, and it took her awhile to get it open. Seems like she had been crying last night. 'Why though?', she wondered.

Before she could come up with an explanation, she noticed she was warm. Very warm. In fact, she was sweating.

There was something heavy on her stomach too. And why did she feel warm air blowing at her every few seconds?

Freezing, her eyes widened into saucers as she turned her head towards the source of the warm air.

A handsome face came into view, making Alex shriek in surprise, and fall backwards, onto the floor.

What the hell was a guy doing in her bed???

She heard a masculine groan coming from the bed, then shifting of the sheets. "Shut up woman, I"m trying to sleep here." a deep husky voice rang out.

"Wha... wha... what are you doing in my bed?!?!" She screamed, checking her clothes and breathing a sigh of relief when she found everything in place.

She heard the bed shift again and this time the handsome face was glaring at her sleepily. "Firstly, this isn't your bed, it's mine, which makes this room... MY room."

Surprised Alex looked around to see that this indeed was not her room.

"Why did you bring me here you pervert!!! What did you do to me?!?!" Alex gasped, dreading his answer.

She heard some muttering and cursing coming from the guy before, "I brought you here because you passed out before you could tell me your address. And I didn't do anything to you, because I have no interest in underaged girls." he replied with an eye roll, but not before looking her up and down.

She didn't miss the disdain coming from his voice.

"Excuse me?? Underaged?? I'll have you know that I'm 22 years old and very much of age." She huffed angrily, then decided that wasn't the point. "You know what, whatever. And why would I even tell you my address in the first place? You're a stranger!!!" She screamed indignantly, like being a stranger was the worst thing a person could be.

Clint sighed and forced himself to be patient. "Hi, I'm Clint, and I know you're Alex from what my boss, John has told me. There. We're not strangers anymore."

He rolled his eyes exasperatedly before continuing, "And to answer your question, because you were drunk last night and John asked me to take you home."

"Why would I be-?" It all came crashing back to her. Justin, with Lily and Jennifer. Then she'd been so upset, she had drowned her sorrows in Long Islands.

Clint watched silently as the girl in front of him turned from indignant to lost and abandoned all in a second. He cursed his soft heart before getting up and sitting upright on the bed.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked softly.

"Ye..yea... I'm fine. At least I will be." She gave him a forced smile that didn't reach her eyes.

Clint sighed. "You wanna talk about it?"

She shook her head, "Nah, it's okay. It's just that.... Can I ask you a question?" She looked up at him, looking so vulnerable that Clint had the strangest urge to wrap her up in his arms and take all her pain away.


She fiddled with the sheets she was holding in her hands for awhile before finally breaking the silence with an awkward laugh.

"Hah... I'm sorry, but I'm just curious, and this question is completely hypothetical. Erm...what would you do, if you found out that your friends weren't really your friends, and that your boy- I mean your girlfriend didn't really love you at all or when you have spent a night outside of home when your adopted father has threatened to beat you to death should you come home late?" She asked in a rush, then coughed awkwardly.

"Completely hypothetical of course" she added, just to make sure he knew she wasn't talking about herself.

"Hypothetical. Uh huh." Clint grunted, but his face scrunched up into a frown. He wasn't that stupid. From what she'd told him last night, this was basically her life, but the adopted father part was news to him, and he didn't like knowing she'd been threatened to be beaten by her adopted father.

It was too late to back out from helping her now, his conscience wouldn't allow it. But in order to help, he needed to know more about the situation first.

"I know this is a hypothetical question you're asking, but do you happen to know whether I have been threatened regularly and whether my adopted father has ever acted on his threats?" He asked, his voice stern and his frown fierce.

"Yes." her answer came out on a whisper and Clint felt like someone had just punched him in the gut. She'd been abused then, and for quite some time too.

"Would you also happen to know why haven't I gone for help before this then?" He continued to ask.

"Because the adopted father has agreed to find my- I mean, your brother whom you were separated from when you two were adopted, in exchange for being a bodyguard to the adopted father's real daughter." She answered nervously.

"I see." Clint nodded, indicating he understood. After thinking for awhile, he turned to her.

"First of all, I think you can forget about your friends and boyfriend. They don't deserve feeling sad over and frankly, you shouldn't waste your time thinking about them."

Not even noticing that he was referring to her, she nodded solemnly, taking his advice seriously.

"Secondly, about the home....." He trailed off, making Alex look up nervously, hoping he'd have an answer for her.

"You could stay with me."


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