Chapter 10

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Okay, so this chapter is basically from the "Sneak Peak" chapter, but I made a few modifications, so you DO have to read it k? k.

Enjoy~ ^_^



She was taking so much care not to bend the picture, that she didn't see the car driving straight for her.


Alex groaned as she felt her whole body aching.

Blinking open her eyes, she waited for her vision to clear, but all she saw was the whitewashed room of the hospital.

She just laid there confused for a moment, trying to get her bearings and to remember how in the world she ended up on a bed in the hospital.

Not to mention in a first class room, judging from the size and softness of the bed she was lying on.

"What in the world happened to me?" She thought aloud, then froze as she realized her voice had deepened, almost like a man's voice, but pushed the thought away, thinking that it was only because she was feeling extremely thirsty.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" She called out, shivering slightly at the sound of her new sexy, masculine voice.

But when no one answered, she wondered where were all the nurses and doctors that were supposed to be there.

Looking around, she spotted a glass of water by her bedside. She reached out, grimacing when her body complained at the strain, and gratefully gulped down the water, closing her eyes at the beautiful feeling of the cool water soothing her parched throat.

Just as she set the glass back down, the doors to her room burst opened.

"Oh Master Andrews, sir! Thank God you're alright!" A man in black suit came running in, stopped at the foot of her bed and bowed slightly.

Master Andrews? Who's Master Andrews? Alex just looked at him, completely lost.

"Oh I hope you don't mind sir, but I took the liberty of calling the land owner and asked him to postpone last night's meeting. Unfortunately he said today at 10 am would be the latest he would postpone it. Since now it's only 8 am sir, we could leave anytime you want." The man continued saying, bowing slightly.

Before she could even react though, huge breasts were pushed up into her face, causing her to suffocate for a moment. "Clark Baby!!! I'm so glad you're alright!!! We were so worried!!!!" .

Pushing her away, Alex breathed in a huge breath of fresh air. "Are you trying to kill me?? I nearly choked!!" She growled at the woman with cow-like breasts.

"I'm sorry Clark baby, I didn't mean to!! I was just so worried!" Cow woman pouted, trying to act cute.

'Did she just call me Clark? But..but.. my name is Alex! Who the heck is Clark, and why are they calling me by his-....'

Her eyes widening, Alex thought back on her change of voice.

'Holy crap. It can't be. These things only happened in movies, or fairy tales. Right?????'

"Give me a mirror!!" Alex ordered the woman. "NOW!!!"

Snatching the mirror from her, Alex looked into the mirror. Dark blue eyes, black dishevelled hair, angular jaw, high nose, tight soft lips and a bit of stubble on the chin. Cute.

The only problem was, the person looking back at her, was NOT her!!!


Panicking and starting to hyperventilate, Alex turned to the woman. "Hey woman! What the hell happened to me?"

"Oh my poor baby, don't you remember? You were driving and then you hit a silly girl riding her bike. But don't worry though, it wasn't your fault, she wasn't looking at the road." Cow woman cooed, sitting by the bedside and carressing Alex's face.

Well, not her face. Her body's face.

Wait, that didn't sound right either.

Shaking her confusing thoughts away, she focused on what the cow woman was telling her and it hit her that SHE, Alex had been the one riding the bike and SHE had been the one that got hit by the car, thus explaining why her body was aching in every part possible.

So if SHE, Alex was now in the body of the man who'd hit her with his car, then what happened to her own body?

Just as that thought crossed her mind, the door slammed open for the third time that day, and for the first time in her life, Alex came face to face with non-other than herself.


This is where the fun begins!! ehehe.. :P

It's gonna get funnier from here onwards.. I just hope I don't end up confusing all of you.. >.<

Vote and comment please? ^_^

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