Chapter 6

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My mouth dropped down. I was dead? Immediately, I ran my fingers all though my body. I was solid! That meant I was not dead after all. If you're dead, then it means you cant be solid right?

"I think you are mistaken sir."

"No! I am positive. You must be possessed now. Let me help you rest your soul in peace", the mysterious stranger said while searching his cloak for something.

"That is impossible, I am not dead, okay?" I screamed, fearing the contents inside his cloak. What if he was going to exorcise me?

"Stop telling me that I am dead. Just, please take me back to the Capital." I added in a quiet voice, clearly exhausted to the core.

"I can't , miss. I am currently in the process of fleeing."

Fleeing? Was he a wanted criminal? My interest piqued up.

"But why sir? May I at least know your good name?"

"I am Al-"

"Al?" I repeated.

"It is Alastair, but call me Al" he said.

Alastair? What a weird name. That name was definitely not in the wanted list. Anyone would have remembered such a weird name. But during this exchange, an idea struck me like lightning!

"So Al, please take me to the nearby town. I can ask someone else there" I said.

"I don't see why that is not possible. You can come if you can keep up. It would take five days to reach the city Bristol, is that okay?"

"Okay. Thank you very much!" I chimed in. And that began my journey with the mysterious stranger Al.

I walked or rather ran to catch up with Al. He was right when he warned me about catching up with him. He was walking at lightning speed. He must really be in a hurry, or his feet must have invisible wings.

"Slow down Al!" I shouted. I was hungry and parched. We have been walking, no, running for five hours then.

"I told you to keep up!" he said in an irritated voice which made me frown. It would have been better if there was conversation on our journey but his mouth was locked shut except the times when he would answer few of my many questions.

"I need water" I stated, point blank. I couldn't continue any further.

"There is a river about two miles from here. Go drink from there" was his nonchalant reply.

"Well , are you not accompanying me?" I asked , clearly puzzled.

"No. It would take too much time. I can not risk my fleeing process just because you want water!" he bellowed.

"Fine! I will go drink water on my own" I retorted.

I then went in the direction he pointed , putting a brave façade out but inside I was trembling.

I hope I will not get lost again!

That part of the forest looked so creepy just like that stable. Heck! Even the stable was much better looking. I turned back to see Al for one last time only to find him gone! He left me! 

*After a few hours*

"That jerk! Why did you leave me- by myself?" I said to myself in between breaths. I was clearly lost. It has been three hours since Al left me and went on his own.

"You will pay for this!" I shouted towards the sky. The sky was in a reddish glow signifying sunset.

"I am never seeing Mrs. White again" I sobbed. After my little breakdown, I wiped my tears and headed west or a direction which I think was west. I reached a narrow beaten path. A ray of sunlight shone brilliantly on a group of wild flowers, making the white flowers appear reddish.

"How pretty!"

I plucked one of the flowers and placed it in my hair. Then, I continued along the beaten path and reached a bridge above a fast-flowing river. the water was not drinkable as it was muddy and I did not have any vessel for the water to settle down. The bridge, on the other hand, looked unsafe with the ropes being very old.

This was my only chance.

I stepped onto the bridge and heard a loud creak. Perhaps I didn't have any chance on that bridge at all.

"There must be some other way" I murmured.

I retraced my path to an old willow tree and went in the opposite direction. I reached a shabby old cottage. Finally! I could ask for help and some water there! I ran as fast as Al to the cottage door and banged it with all my might. The cottage door fell from it's hinges.

Oops! I must have banged too hard.

I looked inside only to find that the cottage was totally unused for years. Oh well. At least I don't have to pay for the door! The colour of the sky signified that the sun would set any minute now. I looked to the side of the cottage. There was firewood!

How lucky!

I carried two bulky loads inside the cottage and put them on the fireplace.

"Now to light the wood- how can I do that?" I then remembered that I had a match box in my apron (Yes, I was still wearing that). I looked inside the cottage and saw a tin of oil.


I finally set the fire ablaze and noticed that the sky had become gloomy and dark.

If only there was water.

Thunder rumbled as lightning struck down on earth. Slowly, I heard the pitter-patter of raindrops falling on the roof!

"Water!", I cried with tears of joy. I soon found a pot without any holes and used it to fill water. After drinking it like there was no tomorrow, I felt alive again. I settled near the fire cosily and felt sleepy.

I wonder what Al is doing now.

Looking at the thundering sky, I drifted off to sleep.

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