Chapter 11

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I ran with all my might, not believing that the Royal Soldiers of The Capital was alerted of my escape. News about me was spreading quicker than wildfire and it won't be long before Mrs. White hears about it. Unable to run any further, I came to a halt and panted for breath. I've been running like a horse! Slowly walking forward, I came across a road with a sign, saying that The Capital was five miles away. 

Wow! I actually ran that much!

Being completely immersed in my train of thoughts, I failed to hear the voice of a man shouting out an impending danger. When I heard hooves behind me, I turned back and was shocked to see that a horse carriage came towards me in full speed!

"Whoa! Jenny calm down!" the rider screamed. In a minute, my death was clearly in front of me. The horse had gone insane! Just before I was squished by the horse, to be flattened like a smashed pie, someone grabbed me by the waist and pulled me away. We then tumbled downhill into the bushes and shrubs. I turned to see my saviour but I was utterly shocked. It was Al who saved me! His silver eyes glinted in the sun. Those eyes, I had never seen anyone with that colour of eyes. Nor had I seen such an unexplainable depth in his eyes.

"Thank you" I uttered after a long pause, coming back from my state of shock.

"I thought you would be dead by now." He replied with a smirk.

He hasn't changed at all, always provoking me!

"I escaped, with Princess Bridget's help", emphasizing the Princess' name. He hadn't helped me back then! But, he wasn't obliged to either.

"You are a lucky girl, for a servant in the Palace" he snorted.

"How do you know that?" I asked with complete surprise. Even though my blue dress and black apron was in rags now (yes, I ruined them too. There were just too many stones which tripped me!), was it that obvious that I am a maid? Or were fugitives also given information about my "kidnapping" a prince?

"I have my resources" he replied after a long pause, turning his back to me. I just realized he looked perfectly astonishing! His beautiful black hair shone with elegance, his firm facial structure was a majestic work of art and I could make out his muscles from his light garb.

Could someone even be this beautiful?

 He had a sword hanging from his belt. The intricate work on the golden hilt made me realize that the sword is worth a fortune. Snapping back to reality, I saw him polishing his sword's hilt while looking around as if on high alert.

How did he end up here on the first place? Wasn't he fleeing the other way?

"Are you a stalker?" I blurted out.

He laughed when I asked that. After laughing for the longest time, he finally said,

"You are the first one to call me that"

"You should be called that more often! You abandoned me back in Bristol!" I said in a dooming voice.

"I came back for you now, did me not?" he asked with a perfect smile, flashing his white teeth.

He must have been worried about me so he wanted to make sure I was okay? I must be hallucinating!

"Well I have a favour to ask of you, since you left me in Bristol all by myself", I said, having an evil plan running through my head. He sighed and looked at me as if I was torturing him to death.

"What is the favour?" he asked with a look that said I'll-kill-you-if-you-ask. I ignored that look and went on.

"Help me with a plan to ruin Prince Allen's engagement!" I stated. 

"What?!" he replied, eyes wide, clearly shocked beyond belief.

"It was a favour, asked by Princess Bridget. She wanted their engagement broken" I said in a quiet voice, feeling very sorry for her.

"I do not think that is possible" he said, shaking his head.

"Why?" I whined. Don't tell me he is going to back out now? Well, he wasn't really obliged to help; he had done so much already. He broke my train of thoughts by saying,

"As the prince is already missing again, how would you break the engagement?"

"Missing? Again? When did he go missing before?" I asked him, scratching my head. The last time I saw him, he was standing there hanging his head low in front of his mother. Also, I would have known if he was missing as the whole kingdom would be in frenzy.

"He had been missing for a week now. The Royal Soldiers of The Capital found him out in a nearby city five days back" He said in a sad voice. He paused a moment and was lost deep in thought looking at the sky. He then continued noticing my impatience and irritation,

"Earlier this morning, there was news about him again that he mysteriously disappeared. So you do not have to worry about him" he added with a chuckle.

"How do you know about all that?" I asked, wondering if he was psychic or something.

Wow, a psychic stalker.

"I told you that I have my resources!" he said dramatically, waving his arms around. His tense expression calmed down and he asked me,

"So, why are you running around in the forest? Are you trying to kill yourself by standing in front of the road?"

"Very funny" I retorted.

"I am actually a wanted convict." I continued further.

"What are you convicted of? Being directionally challenged?" he barely asked, unable to restrain his laughter.

"No. I was charged high treason as they thought I kidnapped a Prince!" I said in a highly annoyed tone. His face immediately lost his laughter. I could see something in his eyes, something I have never seen before; and that was pain.

"What is wrong? Finally out of witty remarks?" I asked, choosing to ignore his pain. He didn't bother answering me and looked off somewhere far away.

Maybe I've gone too far.

Giving a mental whack to myself, I thought of what Mrs. White would say. 'Never offend another'. But I could never see her now. Not when I'm facing the gallows!

"I was able to see Mrs. White for a last time" I said, my voice being shaky as I tried to suppress the tears forming my eyes.

"A last time?" he repeated, confusion written all over his face.

"I was fleeing from the Royal Soldiers of The Capital into the woods. I highly doubt that I could go back to the Capital"

"Let me help you flee!" he exclaimed with pity in every word.

"No, I can take care of myself" I said and turned around. I didn't need any more pity from anyone, including him. The last time when we met at the woods, he clearly made me aware of how much I was a nuisance to him. Slowly, I walked away from him, my head up in the clouds.


He shouted, bringing me to a halt and made me turn around.

"Will we meet again?" he asked anxiety clearly evident in his voice.

"Maybe" I replied with a slight smile and waved him goodbye. I did hope that we meet again in the future. Before I could get captured and put to death, that is. After all, I owe him my life countless times.

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