The Lonely Road

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I walked along the lonely street, wondering if you would ever notice me. An electrical storm had quickly formed where the blue sky once was. A loud clap of thunder rattled the atmosphere and rain began to drizzle.

I continued down the gravel road, silently sobbing as I took each step. The rain was masking each and every tear. Eating away at the evidence of my sorrows.

Looking back I saw a bolt of lighting rush to the ground. The sight had no affect on me, the beauty did not please me and the horror did not phase me. I had somewhere to be and someone to meet.

But we're you worth it? This was a question that I had to keep answering with yes. Yes because you have always been there for me. You've been like a sister. I'm taking these steps towards you because I want us to be more than just friends, more than just metaphorical siblings. I wanted us to be lovers. Nothing breaking our bond. Not even the sight of an electrical storm passing over you.

My name is Tyler Anderson, Ty as my friends call me. I am madly in love with the most amazing, beautiful girl on the planet, Daphne Carson. I have some of the most amazing friends to help me as well, people like Casey Black, Lemona Siretta, Lily Sith, Luigi Morsici, Sally Kitts and Norman Lirric. Some of these people are closer to me than my family.

Casey, she's the calm and collected person in the group, although she can lose her temper and just yell in a psychotic rampage. Casey also has a tendency to break her collar bone. Lemona is the quiet girl in the group. Although she always seems to magically appear whenever your down or depressed, probably because she's always there for her friends. Lily is the the comedy in the group. She is very strong-headed and is a very determined person. She loves to argue and she will probably grow up to be one of Australia's best actors of all time. Luigi, or Lu as we call him, is an odd soul with a magical ability when it comes to playing the guitar. Sally is very tom-boyish but has been my friend since kindergarten. And Norman, well, let's just say he's English.

Today we were all meeting up at Daphne's house for a movie marathon, which I reckon is gonna be pretty cool, but you never know what to expect being in a room with a bunch of 16-year-olds.

I was meant to be there 10 minutes ago but my mum refused to drop me off, so I had to walk. It's only a 15 minute walk, but a 2 minute drive too. Gee thanks mum.

Well, this is Daphne's street. I went to turn around and look back, but I stopped myself. Because that's not the way I'm going. Literally and metaphorically.

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