Chapter 10

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Mitch continued to try to set Alex and Travis up throughout the whole camping trip, and even after they'd arrived back home.

The problem was, he was dealing with the most insecure Omega he'd ever known, and the most hesitant Alpha he'd ever met.

Kevin seemed to get the hint, as he'd been helping Mitch as well. But the other two still carried on being painfully oblivious.

One of Mitch's favorite examples of this, was the day they'd come home from camping. It was very late at night when they'd arrived back at the house, and most of them were very tired as a result.

Alex held the door open for everyone walking in, as most of them were carrying bags. But when he turned to follow them inside, his tiredness forced his brain to short circuit a little, as he couldn't pick his feet up enough not to trip over the small step at the front door.

Avi turned around so fast, Mitch didn't even blink before Avi was holding Alex up off of the floor with his arm braced across Alex's collar bones, the other holding the back of Alex's shirt to hold him up.

Alex immediately scurried to get his feet underneath himself, and he held his hands up in surrender. "Oh, Sir, I'm so sorry. I'll be more careful, I'm sorry."

Avi only raised an eyebrow. "Are you okay, Alexander?"

Alex nodded a few times, before turning to see if he'd done any damage to the floor, or maybe even the step on which he'd tripped.

Travis appeared then. "Did you fall?"

"No, Sir. Alpha Avi caught me."

Travis eyed Alex from head to toe, searching for injuries. He stopped at Alex's neck, seeing a small red spot from where Avi's arm had taken the impact of the fall against Alex's collar bones. He pointed to it. "Does this hurt?"

"No, Sir."

Mitch had walked over to set a hand on Alex's back, worried about his mental health rather than his physical injuries. If Alex was tired enough to trip, Mitch didn't doubt that he'd be tired enough to fall over.

When he moved his hand down Alex's back, he felt something weird, and paused. "A-Allie? I think you're bleeding, babe..."

Kevin reappeared, after taking his bag to his room. "Someone's bleeding?" He walked around them to close the front door as he awaited their response.

Avi took a small step away, in fear of Travis' wrath. "Uh.. That's my fault. Sorry."

Travis turned to him quickly. "What did you do? My back was only turned for a second."

"No, I think... I might've 'Alpha clawed' him on accident... When I heard him trip, my instincts kicked in so I was quick enough to catch him. And I think I accidently let my nails out. Sorry..." He explained, truly apologetic.

Travis stared at him, but once he finally came to terms with the fact that he hadn't done anything to intentionally hurt this Omega, he waved a hand at him. "Forgiven. Would you take Mitch to his room to be sure he's settled in? I was gonna do it, but I'm busy now."

"Of course, Sir." Avi gave Mitch a nod, and then gestured down the hall.

Mitch eyed Alex cautiously, but decided he'd ask later, and walked away with Avi.

Kevin waited his command as well. "Alpha? Would you like me to help?"

"I know you're tired, Kev... Get some rest, okay? I'll take it from here."

Kevin nodded, and then did something strange, that Alex would later call a half-bow. He only kind of bowed to Travis before he left. "Of course. Sleep well, Alpha."

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