High school

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About Jack:
Jack was a transfer student from Ireland and came to LA with his parents and his dog. He just turned 17 years old and a Junior in high school. His sexuality: "as straight as a rainbow bendy ruler" as he likes to put it. He is a video gaming nerd who soon catches his eye on the most popular guy- and bully in school, Mark Edward Fischbach.

About Mark:
He has been in LA all his life and is 17 years old, junior in high school, and the most popular kid in his school (cus how more can this cliche this author get) His sexuality: straight as a line, or so everyone at school thought.He is actually gay, and has his eyes set out on a particular Irish student named, Jason? John? Jack was his name! They haven't actually talked as much as he'd liked to(hence how he couldn't remember Jack's name), but Mark is going to change that. He is also a big gaming nerd as well. He tends to be a bully.

The story:
Jack's POV

I was walking to school until I feeling slight nudges on my shoulder, over and over again. It was Mark! Oh greaaaattt.. The one person I do like at this school happens to be A) the most popular guy in school, I won't have a chance with him, and B) the person who brings me pain everyday, not always physical pain, but still pain. I've seen him before, out in the forest by my house, just sitting alone and crying, When I walked over to him, he punched me In The fucking face and threatened to break my arms if I told anyone. I tried to avoid him as much as I could but, I have a crush on him and we live 2 houses away from each other so we would naturally walk a few steps behind each other and sometimes talk.

After I was finally dun with all the nudging, I walk a little faster. He of course, walks even faster to catch up with me. Mark was then again right next to me. He fucking started nudging me again, but I ignored it.

I stopped walking and he did too still nudging me. "Can *nudge* you *nudge* stop NUDGING ME?" I yelled in his face, leaving him speechless.

"Only when you stop being adorable, babe." Mark-Fucking-Fischbach said to me. I was as redder than a tomato and he ran away with a huge fucking grin on his face.

I was shocked, wait, Does that mean Mark likes me? Is he gay? Should I be happy or not? I thought in my head. I guess I'll just have to ask him in my classes, oh yeah, he's in all of my classes. Right. Next. To . Me.

-Le time skip to their first class-

I walked in classroom 10 minutes before the bell to see Mark already sitting his seat, smirking.

"What the hell was that this morning?" I asked annoyed.

"What was what honey? Ohhh thaaat I see.. I thought you would like a better nickname." He said simply looking into my eyes. His beautiful brown eyes seemed fierce, ready to pounce at any given moment if needed but at the same time, if you look really closely, his eyes soft, caring, and full of a mixture of wonder and fascination.

"W-why d-do you call m-me that? I'm just nothing , so you can shove my "nick names" up your as-" I stated semi annoyed but mostly flustered, until he cut me off by pushing 2 for his fingers to my lips, shushing me.

He removed his fingers and said, "We'll talk about this later okay, darling? And don't say you're nothing again ever."

"I can't help but say things that is think and believe I am, Mark. Why the hell am I even talking to you? You have brought me nothing but pain so far and you're just a self-centered asshole that bullies me and most likely a lot of other innocent people just to feel better about your life. And one more thing, yo-" I said until the bell rang. I stopped talking and looked at the front and saw many other students walking into the hell we call a classroom. I took a little glance at Mark and he looked shocked at my words, I felt proud that I finally might of opened his eyes into what he has been doing to me for all this time.

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