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3rd person

Jack is a very quiet kid. He is also very nice (in more then 1 way howbout dah) and smart but his shyness gets in the way of everything. He's wasn't always quiet however, with close friends and family he was as loud as he wanted to be. He was also considered a 'nobody' at school and loved to read at the library whenever he could.

Mark in the other hand was a very social person. Everyone knew him and everyone had a nice thing to say about him. He wasn't a one of those stereotypical jocks who was mean and a bully, he was actually never mean to anyone. Mark also started to volunteer at the library during lunch, advisory, and basically whenever he can to see a certain someone (wink wonk). (advisory is basically a 30 minute free period to do hw and stuff. Schedule goes period 1 and 2, 10 minute break, 3 and 4, 1 hour lunch, 30 minute free period, 5,6)

Actual story now lolol:

Mark was "asked" to volunteer at the library for 20 minutes before school and during lunch and advisory. He gladly accepted the task of helping out and was ready to start the day as the new volunteer.

He arrived at school to the library 25 minutes before class to first talk to the librarian.

"Good morning Miss Brendon!" Mark happily chirped to the librarian. She kindly smiled back and motioned him over to her. Miss Brendon was a short 30 year-old woman with round light purple glasses and I don't think

"Hello Mark and welcome to your first volunteer day here! Here are the rules and I have some books that need to be put away. Look at section 3 page 7 to figure out how to properly put them away." She said, giving the boy the small rule book. He nodded and looked grabbed a few books and started putting them away.

Mark was on his last book to put away as her heard the library door open.

"Good morning Miss Brendon." A quiet Irish voice said. Mark didn't recognize it until Miss Brendon said the person's name.

"Good morning Jack! Are you going to check out a new book today dear?" She said.

"I'm thinking about it Miss." Jack chuckled a little. Mark put away the book and saw Jack looking for another book. Mark was always curious about the quiet boy with green hair but never said anything to him. He continued to put away books, occasionally staring at the other boy not out of rudeness but out of pure fascination and adoration.

Mark stared at Jack's focused, blue eyes and his expression as it slightly changes with each sentence he reads. Now what he didn't know was that Jack was also studying Mark and Jack wasn't usually one to stare. Jack focused on how careful Mark was when handling the old books and on how whenever he had to reach to put a book away, his shirt would move up, revealing his tanned stomach. He made sure that Mark didn't catch him staring but oh, that librarian caught him.

The older women giggled and continue to observe the boys who were trying to look at one another and not get caught. So, instead of talking to each other, the staring went on and on the entire day. Jack got little reading done that day.

And so this continued for a few weeks, little talking and a few smiles back and forth, a lot eye-fucking as I, the author, likes to put it. Maybe even an occasional silly faces towards each other. This went on until..

Jack decided on getting there extra early so he could at least get some reading done that day instead of eye-fucking Mark all day. He also needed a new book so howbout dah (A/N IM SORRY I LOVE THIS MEME).

How unfortunate that the exact same day, Mark decided to get there early too so he can put away books faster and dreamily stare at the green-haired boy more. How unfortunate.

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