Dinner date for 5

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   Chapter 2, just continuing from where I left off... sorry about not updating very much just busy with school etc. hope you like the chapter.

P.O.V Gabby 

I walked aimlessly around the streets for the next half hour not knowing what to do with myself, I had just bumped into Dan and Phil and I was meeting the fantasticfoursome for dinner. I pinched the skin on my arm to make sure I wasn't dreaming and when I felt the pain rush to my arm I knew it was all real, at that moment I realised anytime soon i got get the message telling me where to go to meet the boys. I that moment I started to run, I ran home as fast as I could to update my viewers on what had just happened and so I could start getting ready for later on… I mean it was bad enough having Dan see my teeshirt I didn't want the other to see it too. When I got home Abby was sitting on the sofa with Jim, Abby was my little sister, I say little but she's 18 in a few months and well JIm is her boyfriend. I hurried into the lounge I screamed at Abby "hey Abbs I need your help, I met them, like for real it was them. I'm meeting them for dinner and you need to help me choose and outfit. NOW" 

We hurried upstairs and i quickly jumped in the shower whist Abby hunted through her wardrobe to try and find something for me to wear, luckily Im small enough to fit her clothes, I mean she is two and a half years younger than me but I'm slim enough that I can borrow her stuff.  I jumped out the shower and ran into my bedroom where Abby had laid me out a pair of burgundy high waisted skinny jeans and a fitted black blouse, I dried my hair and through the outfit on. I sat down at my desk and started to do my makeup when my phone started buzzing.

I picked up the call not even checking who it was first, and heard an almost angelic voice which was so familiar to me say, "Hey Gabs, whenever your ready do you wanna come meet me and the boys at our hotel first, and we can decide what to do from there." Dan's voice was so gentile I almost forgot how to speak but thankfully Abby made sure I did without sounding like a creep. Cheekily I replied "Hi, yeh sounds good, I mean am I getting the special treatment or something, cause I know how you are with fangirls and them knowing your living arrangements and stuff.". Stupidly I winked to further my point only after realising he couldn't see me.  "Right well we are staying in the…" Dan said slowly before I cut him off, " the hotel opposite the train station… I know. I saw your vlog and immediately recognised it. Wow I sound like a stalker". Both me and Abby laughed before I finished my sentence with "I will be there in 10 minuets, will you meet me in the lobby?" I could hear the boys giggling in the background and then a sharp and harmonious answer of "Ok 10 minuets, lobby sounds great!" came from all four boys before I hung up and grabbed my bag and headed to the hotel.

I got to the hotel a little ater than I thought I would, mainly because Abby briefed me on what to do and what  not to do... she may be two and a half years younger than me, but she ha way more experiencewith guys, sadly. When I reached the lobby I saw a group of four boys sitting on the sofas, Dan saw me from the corner of his eye and gestured to the others that I had arrived.

P.O.V Dan

Wow she looked breathtaking. I was stuck for words, all  could do was nunge Phil and point... damn that loked sad. As I stood up Gabby walked over to me and giggled, "HEY, stranger!!" she said sarcastically. I leaned in to hug her lifting her up as I did and wispered "hey, you look beautiful by the way." OH NO. I did not just say that to the girl I only met a few hours ago, god damn it Daniel, why are you so socially awkward.

Phil pushed me out the way once I put Gab down, he introduced the boys as I was obviously incapable of doing so myself. "Hi gabby, It's nice to see you again. If you didn't know this is Peej and Chris" he pointed to each of them as he said their names. "hey Phil, good to see you too. And yeh I know the boys... OTP Kickthestickz. I may only be a quiet Edinburgh girl but I know my YouTubers pretty well." she said with a giggle. I couldn't help but notice how cute her laugh was, not just her laugh everything about her was adorable, in that moment I realised I was staring and started to blush. "Um so should we go upstairs and decide what we are doing?" I said quickly to try and hide my embarrassment. We all climbed into the life and headed to the 5th floor where our rooms were.

P.O.V Gabby 

As Dan unlocked the door i pushed him out of the way and entred the room, I knew what I was doing was weird and well I didnt care. I jumped on the bed that I saw Dan layon in his vlog and absorbed his musky scent. "So what's the plan then?" I announced whilst the boys sat themselves down on the sofa and beds.  Phil looked at me and laughed under his breath "well you look too comfortable to move, so how about we order room service and watch a film?"  I looked at Phil and smiled "sounds great" Peej Chris and I said all together.

As the night went on we decided to watch horror movies, and well I'm not exactly the biggest fan so to spea. At this point I was cuddled up under the covers with Dan on one side and Phil on the other, Chris and Peej we snuggled into eachother in Phils bed. My inner fangirl was going mental, I was snuggled into Dan Howell and I could feel Phil getting gradually closer.

I woke up the next morning not quite understanding where I was, I looked up and there was a shirtless Dan laying next to me holding me tight. During the night Peej and Chris had gone back to their room and Phil must have moved back to him own bed, I still dont understnd how I was still cuddled into Dan though. Not that I am complaining or anything. I managed to riggle out of his tight grip and sneak to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror I wiped the smudged makeup from around my eyes, when I looked up again I saw a figure standing behind me smiling in the doorway. It was Dan, he stood behind me and walked closer, I still didn't turn around to face him. Not knowing what to do I causiously asked "what happened last night? I mean why are you shirtless and creeping on my from the doorway?" He wrapped his arms around my waist, which sent a shiver down my spin, "nothing don't worry, we just watched movies and you fell asleep in my arms and we didn't think it was fair to wake you. And well the topless thing, have you ever tried sleeping next to a human radiator?" he winked at me in the mirrior "me niether until last night. I'm sorry if this made you uncomfortable but it's hard not to snuggle with someone if your sharing a bed." I could feel my cheeks burning as i turned to face him, still tangled in his arms. Our faces were now only inches apart, I felt him grab me tighter as he lowered his lips to mine kissing me gently before there was a knock at the bathroom door. I pulled away quicky, turning to see Phil standing in his baggy joggies and teeshirt, "so this is awkward" he muttered, "should I leave you too it or can i use the bathroom im paying for?" Again i felt my cheeks flame up, Dan grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the bathroom, and when we walked by Phl he said "it's all yours mate, take as long as you need."

Dun dun dun... what happens next. will have to wait and see :)

Ok im working on chapter 3 as we speak will be up soon!

Hi hope you like it so far, sorry about any spelling and or grammar mistakes i try to correct what i can, but I can't get everything.

thanks for reading 


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