Capital Kisses Back

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Chapter 4, once again a catch up with characters... it will get more exciting soon dw! Hope you enjoy :p  oh and its just a little chaper this time... hopefully youll keep reading and find out what happens 

P.O.V Dan

 I could see Gabby looking out for us all, and when she stopped I started to wonder what was wrong but when I walked up behind her and heard her whispering to herself I knew what she meant. I wrapped my arms around her waist spun her around and said, “Because I’m right here… were I’m meant to be. I’ve missed you…a lot!” the look on Gabby’s face was the most amazing thing I could have imagined, she instantly broke down in tears and cuddle herself right into my chest… god I missed her so much, two days with her and she’s all I thought of for 5 weeks. I could see the guys coming over from were they had been waiting Phil most of all looked concerned but Pj and Chris looked happy to see this.

 P.O.V Gabby

Snuggled into Dan’s chest I could feel him giggling obviously my reaction was kind of funny I mean I just broke down in Charing Cross… good one Gabby! All of a sudden it wasn’t just Dan’s arms around me I could feel multiple bodies crowding me, I turn round to greet Pj, Phil and Chris who had all joined into what had turned into a group hug… I’ve so missed their weirdness.  We all separated and I jumped on Phil who thank god caught me in time and I squeezed tightly “hey there Philly, missed me? Cause I’ve missed you a hell of a lot!” he squeezed me back “Hiya kido… of course I missed you! You looking forward to a fortnight of helping thrash Dan at video games?” the rest of just burst out laughing at his remark “um yeh obviously I’m so ready we should start ASAP!” I replied cheekily.

Next it was Chris’s turn… unfortunately he beat me to it and jumped on me! I may only be 5ft6 but I somehow manages to hold him up long enough for Pj to help me out… “hey you two! You obviously know I missed you guys the most… how needs Phan when you can have Kickthestickz?” Dan gently punched me and Phil gave me a look of disappointment. In unison they replied “GABBY GABBO GABBINATOR...” Pj continued “ its so funny we’ve been away for 5 weeks but it only feels like yesterday since I last saw you.” Sarcastically Chris mentioned “well you idiot we did Skype her yesterday… like not even 12 hours ago!”

After greeting everyone and pointlessly chatting in the station we decided to head back to Dan and Phil’s flat and just have a lazy day! We jumped in a taxi and it was only like a 20 min journey, but finally after what felt like forever I was entering the Phan household… my inner fan girl almost died! Dan showed me to my room whilst the others went to decide on a movie to watch… I suggested “the decent” cause I’m highly terrified of it which means I could snuggle up with the guys!

 Dan opened the door to the spare room and put my suitcase down by the wardrobe before turning back to me “Gabby I hope you understand how happy I am that you’re here. I’ve not stopped thinking about you since I left.” Once again I could feel my face burn a bright shade of red “Oh Dan you just said…” before I could finish he moved closer and kissed me. I instantly got butterflies; I kissed back. Before I knew it he had lifted me over to the bed, I was sitting on his knees his hands were on my waist; I ran mine through his hair… never wanting this moment to end when suddenly Pj burst in to tell us to hurry up.  “HOLY SHIT!” I jumped back falling onto the floor with a thud… “What was that?” I could here Phil and Chris came running in to the room.  “um guys its not what it looks like… we were just… just” I didn’t know how to finish that sentence. I looked at Dan not knowing what to do or say, “ok maybe I should have knocked but I did not expect that… Phil, Chris did you know about them? Or is this new to everyone?”  Dan put out his hand to help me off the floor before putting his hand on my shoulder… 

DUN DUN DUNN! Hmmm i wonder where this could go... how do the guys react we will just have to wait and see! 

Hello again internet people... once again i failed at sticking to my once a week update thing, dont believe i will ever be able to write that often :( again sorry for the rubbish spelling and grammar... i really need to work on it! 

I promise next time things will pick up and the story will start moving a lot faster there on in! 

thanks for reading 


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