Day 2: Crush

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  • Dedicated to Yasmine Ali

Day 2: Crush

Crush … let’s admit we all have had crush on someone. May it be celebrity crush or normal people crush. I’ve had a number of crushes. Emma Watson, Emily Deschannel, Kristen Stewart, Selena Gomez and finally Yasmine Ali. I didn’t say “hey beautiful, I’ve a crush on you” to any of them, because it’ll be totally lame, but one of them has said “I love you” to me.

Yes I have had a crush on my fiancée before we started dating. And as crush goes, I was damn nervous around her and I always tried to impress her. But she got impressed when I actually gave up trying to impress her. She was out of my league but as they say “there is no league in love” and that’s exactly what happened. And later she admitted that she also had a crush on me. So when two people have crushes on each other, then it just turns into love.

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