Day 10: Someone I Hate

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Day 10: Someone I hate

Someone I hate would be . . . ME. Yeah I hate myself. There are a lot of people who would find me so unpleasant and just so annoying, boring, irritating, pathetic, and just a bad guy. I’m self-centred, I share my problems. I make others upset. And most of all, I hurt the ones I love the most. I just hate myself for all that.

I tried to be good, I used to be good. But I was ignored, neglected, friendless. Because I was what others wanted me to be, a good boy. I used to keep things to myself. I was totally alone. Some even called me anti-social. And it really affected my social life.

Then I tried to be social, talking to others, trying to be a good friend, hearing others problems and try to help them as much as I could. People liked me for a while. But that wasn’t enough. I put my love before my friends. But the ones who are my REAL TRUE FRIENDS know ME and know how much I care about whom. And my true friends know how much I love my fiancée and I can do anything for her.

I the myself cuz I’m a crazy lover. I love beyond any limits. And I can do anything for my love. But I’m not that “crazy psychotic murderer” level crazy. I’m just “staying up all night, crying, and do anything stupid just to make smile” level crazy. But usually, in world’s eyes, I’m just crazy. Nobody tries to know what I feel in my heart.

People blame me for screwing up, but do they ever think how much pain I’m going through? No. Why would anyone care? They just need someone to blame and I’m the perfect scapegoat. I don’t wanna blame or hate anyone else, cause those who just blame and hate others, I’m not sure if they are right or wrong but one day they won’t have anyone else to blame. So I don’t blame others.

And one thing everyone should know, blaming and hating others is easy, but blaming and hating yourself, that takes real guts. Not everyone can do that.

Thank you for your time.

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