Take Me Away- Emo Love Story Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 

It was Evan! He was on stage...as the lead singer! And he was good too. Really good. I didn't want him to see me though..that would be awkward. I turned to Jaylen. "Hey, let's go to the back of the crowd" I offered. She looked at me, worry in her eyes. "Is something wrong?" she asked. "No, I just recognize one of the band members and I don't feel like meeting up with them again." I said, realizing how harsh I sounded. She nodded.

We walked to the back of the building, and then I saw him. His characol black hair and tall slim figure was recognizable. It was Andy, and it looked like he was with a gang of people. He had to of followed Jaylen and me. "Jaylen!" I whisper-yelled. She spun around, confused. She was talking and flirting with some jock looking guy. She looked annoyed when I interuppted her.

"What?" she hissed. "Look who followed us here!" I replied. I took her shoulders and spun her around towards Andy's direction. She gasped and nearly dropped her drink, but the guy she was flirting with grabbed it in time before it hit. "Thanks!" Jaylen whispered as she grabbed my hand and ran to another corner of the building. "If he sees us, we're doomed! How are we gonna get home? Oh my God..." Jaylen anxiously said. "We wait for them to leave." I replied nervously. "What if they wait for us?" she asked. I looked up at Evan on stage. Maybe he could help us again. "I think I know someone who can help us." I asserted. 

That was when Andy turned around and saw us. Pure viciousness glowed in his eyes, and I knew he was up to know good. "He's seen us." I whispered. Jaylen looked scared, and I had a feeling she knew something that I didn't know. "Is there something you need to tell me? I mean, you never did tell me everything at the park the other day." I observed. She shook her head violently. "It's nothing." she barked.

That was when Andy started walking towards us, his friends watching him from behind. He was dressed in this (http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=41958759 ) which was weird leather pants, a black tee shirt, a studded belt, black boots and an open black leather jacket. He looked different, and there was a stupid smile plastered on his face. I used to think he was hot, but now that I know his personality I think he's a freak.

"Hello" Andy whispered into my ear as he got as close to me as possible without squashing me. "Get off me" I demanded whilst trying to push him off of me. He was way stronger than me and didn't even budge. Instead, he just laughed. "I said get away from me!" I shouted louder this time. Jaylen started trying to help push him off, but Andy hit her face and made her fall to the ground. It looked like it stung. "What do you want?" I spat. Andy chuckled again.

"Ma'am, is this man causing you trouble?" a young police women asked, crossing her arms. "No, she is my girlfriend." he answered for me. The police women looked at me to confirm. I looked at Andy, and he looked like if I said anything but no he would kill me. Besides, I didn't need the police to be involved, too, unless I wanted Jaylen's mom to find out what we were doing. I shook my head. "No, he isn't. Thank y-you for your c-concern" I studderd. She nodded and walked away. 

"Good girl" Andy whispered into my ear. I could feel his cold breath against my neck. "Get your little friend and follow me." he instructed, backing away from me. I felt very bad for dragging Jaylen into this mess with me. I felt a hot tear trickle down my face as I tapped her on the shoulder. "We have to go" I whispered. She slowly got up, and then realized what I meant. That we had to go with them. 

Evan was having so much fun on stage, I would feel terrible for dragging him anymore into my shit. I would leave him alone, let him continue doing what he likes. Jaylen and I linked our arms and followed Andy out the door. His three friends followed behind us, making sure we wouldn't leave. When we got out, Andy demanded for us to give him our phones. We took them out. I hesitated but finally handed mine over when Andy snatched it up. Andy gave us a half-smile and linked his arm with mine like I had with Jaylen.

One of the guys that was with Andy linked their arm with Jaylen, and the other two boys remained behind us. "Get in the car." Andy's deep voice demanded into my ear again. It was a white van, how ironic. I slowly inched towards the car and got in. Jaylen followed behind me. Andy shoved us in the back, and got in between us. 

I was disgusted when Andy wrapped his arms around my body when he saw that I was shaking from the cold, like he cared about me. There was no use in asking him to get his disgusting arms off of me, because he wouldn't anyway. 

That was when we came to a stop infront of an old, abandoned house. "Get out" Andy said non-chalantly. I got up and walked out of the van. I was tempted to run off, but Andy's friend grabbed my wrists and put them together. When Andy excited the vehicle, the friend let go of me and Andy put his arm around my shoulders while walking towards the house.

When we were all in the house, they sat us down on the floor and tied our legs down. "Here's the thing" Andy started, but then he got down on our level and smiled. "If you try to leave, we'll shoot you. If you talk back, we'll hit you. If you don't do as we say, we'll punch you. We're leaving this place for Canada tomorrow." Andy whispered. With that, Andy and his gang of friends ordered us to lie down as they left into another room.

I shifted my gaze over to Jaylen. "I'm so sorry" I whispered. It looked like she was crying. "It's not your fault." she managed to whisper back through her cries. That was when I fell into a deep sleep, wondering what events would come tomorrow. 

[I was debating on rather or not I wanted to make this rated R....I think the next chapter will be because it will be graphic, so read at your own risk. Sorry about these chapters being so short, the next one will be very long...like the longest one yet :) ]

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2012 ⏰

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