Chapter 1

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WARNING!!!! This book is extremely sexual and has lots of mature content in it. If you are the slightest bit uncomfortable with that kind of thing DO NOT READ!!! You have been warned!
Love Rosie.


I sat at the bar sipping on my cherry infused vodka as a tall man approaches and sits beside me. I roll my eyes and groan to myself. He orders whiskey and turns to me. "How's your night goin little lady?" He asks me looking me up and down. He subtly moves closer to me and asks if I wanna go somewhere. I don't even bother looking at him. "I'm off duty." I say taking a sip of my drink. "Come on babe lets have some fun" he grabs my arm and pulls slightly. I take in a sharp breath and pull away from him. I don't budge due to his steel tight grip. "Let me go" I growl looking up at him. He chuckles and pulls me outside. A car pulls up and he tried to push me inside. "It'll be much easier if you just cooperate!" He yells. Tears spring into my eyes as I try and pull away from him. I trip backwards and he drops me on the cold hard concrete. He cursed and lunges towards me. I roll out of his was and get up as fast as I can. I run down the street in a rush as the adrenaline courses through my body. I hear him behind me running through the quiet echoing streets which makes me run faster. I run through an alleyway and on the other side I ram right into someone. The person grabs my waist before I fall and steadies me. I look up at the person. He's about 6'3" swallowing my 5'1" figure. His brown hair complimented his green eyes greatly. "Be more careful. I wouldn't want a pretty girl like you getting hurt" he said smiling as he let me go. I looked behind me for the man who was chasing me. As I looked back he came running around the corner. I whipped back around and looked up at the man who caught me. "Is he chasing you?" He asked me shocked. I nodded eager to get away. He grabbed my hand and ran so fast it seemed inhuman. He took us to a motorcycle and got on. He told me to get on. I immediately hopped on. The green and black bike roared to life and he raced away. Once we got a little ways away he pulled over and turned to face me. "Where do you live?" He asked quietly. "Um....52 Roseberry Lane why?" I asked looking up at him. "I'm taking you home. You shouldn't be out this late alone anyways." He said. "Okay. 52 Roseberry Lane here we come Ms. Uh...." Oh uh yeah this is where I say my name. "Phoenix" I managed to say. "Well Ms. Phoenix it's very nice to meet you. I'm Tate" he says smiling. I smiled and he started to drive towards home. When we got to my house I hopped off the bike. "Thanks for everything." I said handing him his spare helmet. "Not a problem Phoenix" he said smiling taking the helmet. I waved bye and walked into my house. I took a cool shower and went to bed. Before I knew it, it was time to go to work. As I stepped outside to get my mail there was a little gift bag on the porch. It was a can of pepper spray. The note read, "keep this close~Tate". Wow. I chuckle and go get ready. I walk to the bus stop and get to my favorite bar after a long bus ride. I sit down in the bar at my spot and order a cherry infused as usual. My best friend Ariana sat down beside me feeling a little buzzed. "Hey doll" she said smiling to me. "Hey baby girl" I replied as she ordered a Cosmo. "I hope we get some good customers tonight don't you" she said smirking at me. "Yeah hopefully" I mutter. I down the rest of my drink and order another one. Ariana says something and walks away from me about to leave with her first customer of the night. I shake my head and take a small sip of my drink. My eyes go wide when I see Tate sitting at the bar with a few very good looking boys. Although none of them compare to his God like looks they are all really attractive. Tate and his friends turned towards me and moved closer to me to talk. I turned to face them as I sipped on my drink wondering what Tate was doing here. A couple of his friends said something inaudible and then they all left leaving Tate all alone. "You're really pretty" he said dreamily to me. I chuckle, "thanks". "Why are you all alone Phoenix?" Tate asks me. I shrug. He plays with a lock of my hair and moves a little closer. "I'm really bored" he says pouting. I gave him a look that says 'what do you want me to do about it?' And he shrugs. "We could go do something" he said quietly. I sigh and look down at my drink. I can't do anything with Tate. I have a job to do. "Come on please" he puts his hand over mine. "Tate....I have to work" I say. As if a light bulb goes off in his brain he puts it all together. Why I dress like this and do what I do. His eyes widen and he grabs me and takes me outside. "You're a prostitute?!" He asks loudly. I nod. He mutters something I can't hear and takes out his wallet. He hands me $1000 cash and I look up at him with wide eyes. "Tate no" I say. "Yes Phoenix. Let's go" he says taking my hand. We race off on his bike. After what seems like forever we pulled up to a nice sized house and he holds my hand as he brings me inside. We go to a nice bedroom with blue grey walls and a canopy like bed. I stand in front of Tate facing him. I look up at him and he puts his hands on my waist pushing back on me gently until I feel the bed hit the back of my legs. He lifts me up with his hands on my butt and I wrap my legs around Tate's waist. He kissed me gently and I immediately kissed him back. I played with his hair and kept kissing him. He lays me on the bed on my back and rests on top of me. He takes off my dress swiftly and pulls his shirt over his head. He revealed a beautiful v-line and perfectly chiseled abs. He slid off his jeans and began kissing me. He worked his way down my whole body leaving no part of me untouched. Working his way back up he unclipped my bra sliding it off of me slowly and tossing it to the side. Kissing. Nibbling. Biting. All over me. As if he was worshiping every little part of me. He slid off his boxers and moved on top of me. He looked to me asking with his eyes if I was ready. I leaned up and kissed him for response. He didn't take his time and slammed into me. I arched my back and gripped his hair. He started to move slowly at first. I began moving with him as he picked up the pace. Before we knew it we both got off on one another. He pulled out of me and laid beside me wrapping his warm arms around me. I laid there catching my breath wide eyed thinking about what just happened. Tate asked me if I needed anything and I said no. He drifted off to sleep and the last word he said was "stay". Once he was dead asleep I got up and called for a taxi. The night was still young but I knew I couldn't bear to go work after what just happened. I'm so fucking stupid. Whatever I'm never going to see him again I don't get why I'm even worried. The taxi came and took me home. I sat in the shower letting the cool water wash over me. I got out and drifted off to sleep. The next day was Monday. An uneventful day for me personally. I spent the day at the park and at home drawing and listening to music. And of course thinking about Tate.


I hope you guys enjoy I've been thinking a lot and I'll be deleting a lot of old books soon so please comment and tell me which books you like so I don't delete them!! Enjoy this new book.
Love, Rosie

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2016 ⏰

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