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The sun was rising, shining through the window of Iris' room. Small rays of sunshine got into her face, making her wake up. The first day in Milan wasn't as bad as she thought it would be.

She got up, grabbed her cleansing stuff and walked inside the bathroom all girls dorm rooms shared. After she got ready for her day she went back to her room and changed into some yoga pants and a grey sweater, not because it was that cold but mostly because it was outside her drawers and she didn't wanna make noise by opening them, since her roomate was well asleep in the other side of the room.

It was a Sunday which meant no classes but she still had woken up quite early, probably because of that nap she had. She wondered if Cal would be awake already but considering he usually wakes up at pm times he wouldn't.

She didn't know what to do but she sure knew she wanted to leave her room- Alessandra didn't seem quite happy to have her as a roommate. That's kinda how she decided to go for a jog around campus.

Outside silence was the only thing you could hear. And some birds noises too. She decided to go around the campus as there were some places she hadn't even seen yet.

After a while of jogging she had reached the point where she started, the main door. She stopped a bit there to take a breath and stretch and soon she heard someone shouting.

She couldn't hear exactly what that person was saying, he was pretty far away. She couldn't even see him without her glasses on. The person got closer and at that point she could see him run towards her but still couldn't tell who it was.


What the hell?

"Iris!" the man yelled again as he was getting closer.

He was so close to her she could finally see.

"Hey Gianluigi" She said shyly

"Why are you here?"

"I live here"

"Haha don't use my jokes bella they're mine."

There it went again... Bella...

"Sorry..." She said trying to apologize.

"I didn't know you jogged you should've told me."

"I don't actually I just wanted to get out of my room."

"You don't like your room?"

"No no it's nice but Alessandra was sleeping and I didn't wanna wake her up."

"Yeah usually she's the one that wakes you up..." He said smiling while he remembered yesterday.

"Yeah..." She said trying to smile back.

"So wanna jog with me?"

"It's getting kinda late and I should probably check up on Cal... Maybe some other time."

"Oh" He said as his excitement was wearing off his face."Okay um let's get you back to your room then."

"I know where my room is don't worry."

"A lady should never walk alone."

On their way to her room they didn't speak at all. That made Iris feel more comfortable, she couldn't handle speech. Writing was her thing, she could erase any moment any time and no one would know it was there. While in talking, you say something stupid and it can't be unheard.

She unlocked the door and as she was about to thank him for bringing her here he walked inside.

"Gigi where have you been? I've been texting you!" An angry Alessandra complained.

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