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Iris had no idea where they where going. She didn't even know if this was a date. Well in her head it was but for him it probably just was a dinner with a friend, nothing special. He probably does it all the time with his friends; mostly girl friends. He's probably very popular, I mean come on he's Donnarumma!

They were walking outside already, to go to Gianluigi's car. His car wasn't too impressive, as maybe Cristiano's cars or Ibrahimovic's, but Iris sure liked it since it belonged to him. He opened the door for her, such a gentleman, she thought. Then he went on the other side to go in too.

His car smelled like him; something between his perfume and washed clothes. Iris noticed that it was very clean, too. He turned the car on and started driving, and only after a few seconds he touched the radio next to him.

"What kind of music do you like?" He asked her smiling.

Iris was tempted to reply whatever you like, but she thought it might be too flirty and he might think she's a weirdo, who knows?

"Pop mostly." She replied.

"I'm afraid I only have Italian pop..." He said.

"It's totally fine, it's your car after all!"

Without answering he searched for a radio station that might have English music, but he failed. That's how they ended up listening to italian for the whole trip.

She still didn't know where he was taking her. What if he was secretly a rapist and wanted to take her somewhere far to do it? Shut up and enjoy him idiot!, she heard her inner voice say.

"You don't talk very much do you?" He said with his eyes on the road.

"I just don't know what to say..." She apologized.

"Ask me something come on! You don't even know me."

"That's kinda the reason why I don't know what to say."

"Okay so what if I make the questions, and then answer the same for myself?"

"Um okay."

"Where are you from?"


"Naples." He said and laughed.

"Do you have any siblings?"

"Yeah a baby brother."

"I have two older brothers." He said and laughed again.

"What's your favourite colour?"

"Uh I don't know, red?"

"Red." He didn't laugh this time, he just smiled.

"Which team  do you support?"

Ohh no there it goes, here comes how he will found out she's a freak and probably leave her in some shady street in Milan.

"I don't really know teams..." This was the biggest lie she had ever told.

"Not even from England?"

"I know Southampton and Arsenal because Calum played there."

"Then you support them?"

"I- yeah, I support Calum."

"I'm a Milan fan."

"Wow what a surprise." She said and laughed.\

"I can teach you football if you want."

Little did he know that she probably knew way more than him about football.

"That would be great!"

They drove in silence for a little bit until Gianluigi parked the car in the side of the road.

"Come bella we've arrived." He said opening her door.

"Where have we arrived?"

"At my favourite restaurant." He said showing her the restaurant right in front of them.

"I feel like I'm so underdressed oh my god..."

"Iris." He said and touched her shoulder.

She turned around to face him.


"I'm still wearing my freaking training clothes!" He said and laughed. "We are underdressed together, it's fine."

Iris giggled a bit disappointed, as she was expecting that moment to be something else, some kind of confession of love maybe? 

They walked inside and Gianluigi waved at the waiter. He immediately took them to a table in the back of the restaurant.

"Is this table good sir?" The waiter asked the goalkeeper.

"Do you like it?" He said turning to Iris.

"Yeah yeah of course."

The waiter left and they sat down, facing each other. After a bit he brought them the menus and they started reading them, discussing all the foods since Iris had zero knowledge of Italian and the plates weren't translated in English.

They ordered and then they finally were alone; they were alone before but they had stuff to talk about. Now...

"We could've gone to get a pizza or something, this was unnecessary." Iris said.

"No come on it's nice, don't you enjoy it?"

"I guess..."

"If you were an animal, what animal would you be?"


"I'd be a bird. I'd love to see the world from the sky. Plus I could just fly away anytime."

"I'd be a panda or something, don't they sleep all day?" Iris said and laughed, Gianluigi laughed with her.

Their food arrived so they ate, commenting on the tasty foods they had chosen.

After they finished, they both realized they were so full they could barely move. Commenting on that they both laughed.

Iris loved it. And him. She had spent the best evening of her life, with the most important person in her life. She really couldn't be more thankful.

The waiter brought them the bill and Gianluigi immediately took it and placed his credit card inside, leaving Iris no time to even try to pay.

They were alone in silence once again, with nothing to do.

"What's your middle name?" Gianluigi asked out of the blue.

"May. Yours?"

"I don't have one, Iris May Westbrook." He said and smiled.

"That's a shame, Gianluigi Donnarumma." She said and smiled back.

"How do you know my last name?"

Shoot. He never told her his last name.

"I, um, Calum told me."

"Makes sense." He said and the waiter brought his card back so they decided to leave the restaurant.

They were inside his car once again, going back to campus.

"We should do this again." Gianluigi said.

Not only did they go on a date, he wanted a second one? That was Iris' lucky day!

"Yeah we should."

"I really had so much fun, honestly."

"Me too..."

"I like you."


"I like hanging out with you, you make me happy."

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