Hope gone wrong

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Hi it,s Cat4lifeAphmaufan155 here but I'm soooo sorry about not uploading lately because I haven't been in the mood and haven't had time so I hope you like this chapter

Is she gonna be alright Docter?
Don't worry Miss Lucinda she'll be okay
But how did she get into this state Jacob?
Um I found her on the ground at work unconscious bleeding but still breathing somehow Lucinda
Oh well that's weird
But she needs space so wait in the lobby till your called
Everyone leaves the room
Wait you three stay here I need to talk to you
You mean us Travis said
What do you want to talk about Doc? Katelny said in confusion
I know your secret
What s-secret Katelny said nervously
Don't worry I won't tell anyone I promised the day your friend and you three were born
I know but there is someone wanting what you all have so keep your powers safe and your friends too
Ok Joacb said nervously
Ugh were am I
Aphmau your ok Travis said in relief while hugging Aphmau
Let's tell the others I said happily
Ok Aphmau replied
Time skip to the lobby aka the reception
Aphmau your alive
Why wouldn't I be alive Aaron
Um Aphmau your skin is...pale
No it's not Laurance!
Yes it is
Come on Garroth! I'm not pale
Laurance and Garroth-fine
Any ways Let's start going home
Good idea Aphmau Senpie
Time skip to Aphmau's house

Aphmau's PoV
We're home Aphmau Senpie and it's 6:30
Any ways I'm going up to my room to do my meditation
Well its you and me Kawi~chan down here
Aphmau Senpie Kawi~chan haze a question for you
why have you been going to Olive Garden with Jacob each night to
do the night shift and on the weekends Katelny and Travis are not in their rooms
So I asked
Because Olive Garden doesn't  need someone to be there at night being a night guard
Proof it I said in a nervous voice
Kawi~chan has asked Olive Garden if they had night guards there during the night and they said no
...I said nothing but then I bolted to my room and locked the door I jumped right into my bed feeling so tired from what has been happening these couple of days but I just decided to put my uniform on and have a nap, while I was asleep something was happening that included me,Jacob,Travis and Katelny and you may ask how I know this but you will find out later in the story

I said nothing but then I bolted to my room and locked the door I jumped right into my bed feeling so tired from what has been happening these couple of days but I just decided to put my uniform on and have a nap, while I was asleep something was ...

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Ok I know this very short but I can,t think of any thing right now so no hates because this my first book and I want this to be a great book so bye

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