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Yeah I know the name for the charpter is is silly but come on it was only thing I could think of in a car and you will know no more any ways lets get on with the charpter this is still in Jacobs PoV

Katelny,Travis what are you hearing!!? Dante said while scratching his head
HOW CAN YOU NOT HEAR THAT!!!!!??? Katelny said shacing her hands in the air
Good night
There it is again Travis replied shouting like mad
OH I CAN'T TAKE IT ANY MORE!!!!! Katelny said angrily while pulling her hair
Good night
My children
Travis and Katelny gasped I wondered still what they were hearing but one thing I knew for sure is that wherever Travis and Katelny were hearing it wasn't pretty
And I'm not sure that exclaimed was the right word so... let's just carry on with story (I am so bored!!!)
Okay Somebody started saying "Good night" then started saying "my children" Travis answered
Good night my children
Ahhhhhhhhh!! Travis and Katelny screamed
What's the matter Travis kun and Katelny Sama? Kawiia~chan asked worriedly 
Okay we just heard someone say "good night...my children"Katelny said almost fainting
Bonnies going death

Um guys I don't mean death in dead I'm death in losing hearing so yeah and this is the end of the charpter because I'm in London right now and I have wifi but the pic in this charpter says failed to load media so I think I don't have full wifi so byeeee

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