Purple guy

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Hey and I finally found something Christmases for my profile pic here on wattpad and I hope you enjoy this charpter

Oh no I said to myself
He's coming Jacob said worriedly
We need to hide Travis said
I agree I replied
So we ran towards the side of stage
Oh Look what we have here, so many pathetic little people the purple guy said evilly
Now were is puppet the purple guy said
Oh God he's looking for me I said
We need to run now Katelny said
We were about to run but he got me by the arm
Oh it's been so long since I last saw you Purple guy said
So what I said in a annoyed tone
You and your friends have not told no one who you really are the purple guy said
Shut up! Katelny said angrily
Oh look it's 11:50 you know what that means Purple guy said
Ha! That only happens when we're in the pizzeria Travis said with a smirk on his face
Oh Purple guy said evilly
Suddenly we all transformed into our robot selves then people started gasping
How did we transform we're not in the pizzeria Jacob said in a worried tone
Oh your wrong because...we are in Freddy Fazbers pizzeria! The purple guy said with joy (I've been dying to put that line in this book)
Suddenly the curtain opened and the Freddy Fazbers pizzeria stage appeared
WHAT!! Me,Katelny,Travis Jacob shouted
And I'm not alone Purple guy said
What do you mean Katelny said in a worried tone
Then purple guy grinned
But if this is the pizzeria, where's the animatronics? Jacob questioned
ANITE! Someone yelled
I think I heard something I said
I think it was Andy Jacob replied
Ah ha I think I know were he is Katelny said pointing to a door at the back of the stage
Seconds later Katelny ran towards the door like a torpedo and smashed the door

Aaron's PoV
What's going on? I questioned
I don't know but it's getting really crazy Laurance answered
What's happening to my meha Salvana asked in a worried tone
Uhh Dante are you okay I asked looking at the frozen boy
WHAT'S HAPPENING!! Dante questioned in a scared and worried tone
Calm down Dante I said

Aphmaus PoV
I found them Katelny said
Then Katelny dragged Andy and the other robots to the front of the stage
What's going on, this is mad I heard people say
Why are you here any ways!? I questioned fiercely
Oh, just for fun the purple guy said
You Freddy said angrily
The purple guy grinned as a response
HELP!! a voice cried out
Did you hear that? Jacob questioned twitching  his ears
It sounded like...CLAIRE! I shouted
How did you get hold of Claire Travis questioned
Nun of your business Purple guy answered
Any ways I'm gonna find her Travis said with confidence
Seconds later Travis disappeared and searched for Claire but suddenly the purple guy pulled out a knife

Travis PoV
I had just disappeared to find Claire
Okay now where is she I asked myself
HELP!! a voice cried out
It's Claire I said
Who's that! a voice said
Claire it's me Travis I said
Travis, oh thank Irene your here Claire said happily
But were are you? I asked
I'm in a room under a trap door Claire answered
Okay I replied
So I searched around for a trap door, minutes later I thankfully found one then I knocked on the trap door
Claire you in there I asked
Yes! Claire said happily
I opened the trap door to see Claire sitting down tied up
Oh let me help you I said
I untied the knot around Claire's arms and legs
Thanks Claire replied
Now let's help your sister because she's in big trouble I said
What kind of trouble Claire asked
He's back I answered
Oh no Claire replied

Aphmaus PoV
Why do you have your knife out I asked nervously
Because he's a monster a woman said
Mom I said in confused tone
You know the purple guy! Katelny said nervously
Unfortunately yes Salvana answered
People started to gasp again (again again and again)
Moments later I saw Travis and Claire running towards me and Katelny
Wait why is he holding a knife? Claire questioned nervously
To finish what I started the purple guy answered
Suddenly the purple guy aimed his knife at my chest and through at me
Ow! I yelled as the dagger went straight through my lungs and other internal organs
MY MEHA!! Salvana yelled
My eye sight started to get blurry
ANTUIE! Andy yelled
Aphmau! No! Aaron yelled
Sister! Cried Claire
I'm s-sorry I said
Then my heart stoped pumping I stoped breathing and...I died

Katelnys PoV
I had just seen one of my best friends die, I turned around to see the purple guy still standing but seconds later he vanished and went into the shadows, I was bubbling with rage and then I decided to follow him
Come back here purple guy! I shouted
But he kept on running...until we came to a stop he started to put on this suit, the suit looked like a golden version of Bonnie
But suddenly the purple guy yelled in pain as the spring locks snapped
I started to run away back to the stage, I was panting, breathing heavily but everyone was still crying to see Aphmau murdered

Time skip to one year later

Now a days we don't have happy times in the neighbourhood we never forgot Aphmau not even for a second
And that was last time we saw Aphmau...well at least for

Hey guys and that is the end of Dark future and I know this was a very sad ending to the story but don't worry a sequel will come so that's what you guys are gonna look forward to (I hope) but any ways byeeeee👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻🤗🤗🤗 :)

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