Chapter Twenty One: Hanging Out

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Allie: those are dolphins you idiot!

I was so mad at my cousins. I was drowning in the ocean thinking i was about to be eaten by sharks. Meanwhile i was swimming with a pack of dolphins! Me and justin stood up to get a better look.

Justin: those are definetly dolpfins...

Ashley, kaylee and austin had blank look on their faces. Then everyone looked at each other and started laughing.

Ashley: its probably almost time to eat dinner...

Kaylee: wanna head back?

Austin: sure

Allie: yea...

Everyone started walkin back. My eyes were still burning but it wasnt blurry anymore. My throat was dry and it felt like i swallowed a pair of scissors. You have no idea how bad it burns when you have sunburn on your face and you have salt water on your face and the sun evaporates the water leaving the salt behind. My legs felt like jello from trying to swim but i didnt wanna slow everyone else down.

Ashley: chicka are you crying?

Allie: me? No im not crying! Why? Does it look like i am crying?

Ashley: a little yea... Your eyes are all puffy and red.

Allie: thats what happenes when u get in a fight with the ocean.

Justin: are you alright babe?

Allie: im fine justin

My hand was interlocked with justins and my head was resting on his shoulder. This was so wierd for me. I get to see my boyfriend 24/7...for now...i mean how much better can it get! We started to be able to see the people at our house on the third deck. Which means me and justin couldnt be next to each other. I looked up at justin and passionately kissed him. He kissed me back and like always we got lost in the kiss. My  arms were wrapped around his neck and his arms around my waist.

Kaylee: finish up already!

Ashley: your acting like they are in a race or something.

Me and justin broke apart. And kaylee stepped between us.

Kaylee: sooo allie al! Before the uhhh ocean incedent when me and austin amd ashley were thinking of a plan to make it up to you. We got the best idea ever--

Ashley: kay! Dont tell them!

Austin: i knew big mouth kaylee couldnt keep a secret!

Austin playfully pushed kaylee but kaylee didnt take it as much of a joke because she punched him in the shoulder really hard.

Austin: kaylee! What the heck!

Kaylee rolled her eyes and we walked onto the pool deck and towards the first floor door. I ran to the glass sliding door and slid it open and ran into the house. It felt so good to be in air conditioning! The first thing i wanted was water! My throat still burned. I went into my room and looked at the clock. It was only 4:30 so we still had time before dinner. I walked out of my room still in need of water. I walked over to the refrigerator, yes there was a refrigerator downstairs. And opened it up. It was stalked with endless amounts of energy drink and pepsi thanks to austin and justin.


Ashley: what was that chicka?

Allie: how is it we dont have any water in this refrigerator!

Austin: drink some monster.

Allie: the world doesnt revolve around energy drinks!!!

Austin: someone needs a nap

Allie: someone needs cousins who can tell the difference between a dolpfin and a shark!!

Austin: well god next time i wont even let you know something is out there!

Allie: im sorry just wicked dehydrated right now.

Austin: its cool baby cuz!

Justin: here babe you can have my water

Allie: oh thank the lord!!

I grabbed justins drink and downed it. I handed the empty bottle back to him, laughing.

Allie: (giggling) here you can have this back.

Justin: (sarcasium) why thank you i always wanted an empty bottle!

We both started laughing and i ripped the bottle out of his hand.

Allie: ya know should recycle this!

I looked at the bottle in my hand and then at austin and then at justin. Justin was already laughin knowing what i was gonna do. I took the bottle and threw it at austins head. It smacked his head and landed on the ground, and started rolling around of the floor.

Justin: i knew you were gonna do that!

Allie: great minds think alike!

I high fived him and then i stuck my finger on my tongue and then on my butt and made a sss noise.

Justin: (laughing) heey i wanna do that! Up top babe!

We high fived again and then we both stuck our finger on our tongues and then on our butt and made a ssss noise.

Allie: haha why are we dumb

Justin: i dont kno-

Before i knew it i was over justins shoulder. He carried me over to the theater couch and threw me onto it. He started tickling me. Since i was in a bathing suit i was even more ticklish than normal.

Allie: (laughing) jus--tin st---op! Hahaha

He was leaning over me and he looked into my eyes.

Justin: did anyone ever tell you how pretty your eyes are?

Allie: well, no...ive actually been made fun of because of my eyes.

Justin looked incredibly shocked.

Justin: how did they make fun of your eyes! Whats to make fun of!

Allie: i dont wanna talk about it.

Justin: i dont want to force you to say something you dont want to.

He gave me a kiss on the cheek and started getting up.

Allie: what was that?

Justin: what?

Allie: you kissed me on the cheek!

Justin: whats wrong with that?

Allie: uh you missed my lips!

I spoke "matter of factly" and pointed to my lips. Justin stood there starrig at me.

Allie: so!

Justin: (laughing) what?

Justin knew i wanted him to kiss me again he was just being diffucult. I was laying on my back on the couch and he stood next to the couch looked down at me.

Allie: get your butt down here!!!

Justin started laughing. I was going to do something crazy! He started leaning down to kiss me. I threw my hands around his neck and pulled him down to meet my lips. I was about to do the craziest thing...well not the CRAZIEST thing but crazy for me!

Ooooh big cliff hanger there! Sorry yall im so tired it its 2:18am!! Sorry it took me so long to update...i have three stories now and i have to study for mid terms and keep up with my love for the biebs. And play my favorite app TEMPLE RUN!! Love it so addicting! Ha i will try to update soon! Love you guys! Comment, vote, fan.

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