::Chapter Five

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HAY NON EXISTANT READERS. I was kind if bummed out that you didn't meet what I asked you guys to do. :( So 3 votes and 2 comments PLEAAASEEEEE? Anyways, ON WITH THE STORY!


"So what do you want to do today?" I asked a laughing Vinny. We were sitting on the couch watching TV. I wasn't really paying attention to what was going on in the show, unlike Vinny, who wouldn't stop giggling. He turned to face me. "We're all going to eat with my grandparents." I looked down at my grey sweats and off the shoulder top. I imagined the messy bun sitting atop my head and cringed. "Maybe I should sit this one out and just go home." Vinny blinked. "No, all of your stuff is here. You aren't scared about meeting my grandparents are you?" I laughed, unable to keep the fakeness from oozing out of it "No..." Vinny rolled his eyes. "Go get ready. We're leaving at four."

I glanced at the clock. It was three already. I shot up from the couch, heading towards Vinny's room where all my makeup and clothes were located. Crossing the threshold, I waltzed to his closet and found where my small bag was located. I pulled out a floral Hollister skirt and a blue tank top. Changing into these, I slipped on a blue pair of flip flops and some jewelry. I applied a small amount of makeup and pulled my hair out of its bun. I winced at the unruly curls that flowed as a result of the bun. I brushed through it, hoping it would turn back to its natural straight form. When there were still some unattractive flips placed randomly in my thin brown hair, I plugged in my zebra-striped straigthener.

I was standing in front of his mirror, waiting for the straigthener to heat up when Vinny knocked on the door. "Come in!" I heard the door open from behind me and I turned to face a perky Vinny. "You look great." I frowned and pointed to my hair. "No, I don't." he rolled his eyes and stepped beside me, knowing he wasn't going to win. We fought about this all the time; he just wasn't very good at arguing. I laughed and walked past him to go check on my straigthener. I didn't hear him follow.


After straightening my hair and doing some finishing touches, we all left right at four. We piled into the Castronovo vehicle and drove off to the restaurant.

When we pulled into the parking lot, I could already tell it was an Italian restaurant. We stepped out of the car and I let Vinny lead the way towards the door. I saw an elderly couple sitting on a bench just inside the doorway. His grandma saw Alessandra first. She gasped and wrapped her into a big hug. Alessandra greeted her and walked over to her grandpa. She saw Bianca next. She also gave her a hug and played with one of her curls. I gulped. We were next. I tried hiding behind Vinny, clinging to his T-Shirt. He chuckled and pulled me by his side, wrapping his arm around my waist. "Well hello Vinny!" She beamed. "Hey grandma." She swept her loving gaze over to me. I noticed how her eyes scanned my face. 'Who's this Vinny?" I looked up from my feet, glancing at Vinny. A smile spread across his face. "Oh, this is my girlfriend, Hannah." She turned back to me, then back to Vin. "Oh, Vinny she's gorgeous!" He grinned even wider and I felt color flood to my cheeks.

"Okay guys, let’s go sit down!' Bianca called from the front of the waiting are. We all followed her to our reserved seat. I sat at the end of the table with Vinny to the left of me and his grandma and Alessandra in front of us. The conversation was about dance, singing, or just randomness. They began to tell childhood stories and I listened in. The few that were told about Vinny made me smile. Bianca was even crazy back then! I hadn't even noticed that my water had been sat in front of me and the waiter was patiently waiting for me to say what I wanted to eat. I had been so consumed in the conversation, I hadn't had the chance to look at menu. "Um, I'll just have the fettuccini alfredo." he smiled and nodded, moving on to the next person. "Yum. Good choice." Vinny said from beside me. I smiled and took a sip of my drink, waiting for the waiter to leave.  After he had left, the conversation resumed again. I listened intently, taking small sips of my drink every now and then.

“So, have you guys kissed yet?” The water I was sipping on caught in my throat, and I began to have a coughing fit. When I had recovered, I spoke. “What?” She laughed. “Have you guys kissed yet?” I decided I shouldn’t speak, because I was afraid of what would come out of my mouth. “Um, Vincent? Can you answer this?” He shot me a death glare and I stared at my water, waiting for him to reply. He was quiet for a second. I heard Alessandra join the conversation. “All the time!” My head snapped up to see Vinny’s grandma’s reaction. She cracked up. Vinny had turned red. “Hey! Not that much!”  I felt myself laughing. “You guys are guilty! We even have a witness!” His grandma cheered. I smiled and noticed the waiter walking towards us with food on a tray. “Food’s here!” I said to the people near me. I waited until my pasta was placed in front of me. I said a silent prayer, then began to dig in. The conversation had died down when everyone had gotten their food.


“Whew! I’m so full!” Alessandria commented. We were all still sitting at the table chatting and waiting for the bill. Vinny was tweeting and creeping on his GRANDerz. He smiled every now and then. It made me smile to see how much he cared about his fans. When the bill came we paid and stood, heading for the exit. “Hey Grandma! Hannah! Stand by each other and smile. I’m tweeting a picture!” I heard Vinny say from behind me. I smiled and walked over to stand by his grandma. We posed for a picture and watched as he tweeted it. The caption was “Already best friends! : )” . We all said goodbye and headed to our separate vehicles. Vinny grabbed my hand and twirled me around. I giggled and watched him open my car door. I sat down inside the car and closed the door. He sat down on the seat beside me, grinning. I’m glad he’s home.

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo what’d you think? Sorry for the late post. My computer caught a virus and I’ve had to write on random computers lol. Also, I’m not used to this keyboard so sorry for any grammar stuff. REMEMBER TO VOTE COMMENT AND FAN. Thanks for reading : )

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