::Chapter Six

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HAYYYYYYY. Well, not much to say except for ENJOY (:


“A Nerf gun war?” I questioned Vinny, Mikey, and Nick. They nodded happily and I rolled my eyes but mumbled a short “I’m in.” They all cheered and Mikey handed me a medium-sized Nerf gun and about twenty extra pieces of foam ammo. “Okay so the teams are Hannah and Vinny and Mikey and me.” Before Nick could finish the rest of his instructions, Vinny interrupted. “Hey! Why’d you put the two un-athletic people on one team?” I slapped him on the stomach lightly. “I’m athletic!” Mikey snorted. “Yeah, very flexible. Finish what you were saying, Nick.” He laughed a little and further explained the rules. “So, it’s a three-hit game. Whichever team hits the other team a total of six times, which is three each, wins. If you are hit three times, you’re out. Our fort is in the upstairs bathroom and you two’s is in the kitchen. I’ll text you when we’re starting.” I turned towards the kitchen, Vinny not far behind me. Glancing down at my “Love” off-shoulder top, short denim shorts, and yellow and black zebra-striped Vlado’s, I mentally congratulated myself for not dressing up.

We sat down at the kitchen table and worked on a strong battle strategy. “So you’re going to hide behind the plant and I’ll try to get some hits in?” Vinny summed up. I nodded. We had decided that since Vinny is the worst at sports or pretty much any athletic activity except for dance, we would use him as bait. We made small talk about random things, waiting for Nick’s text. After about five minutes of discussing how Taylor Swift and Bruno Mars should do a duet, Vinny’s phone lit up with a text from Nick. The game had begun.

I quietly slipped behind a tall, green, bushy plant. I held my Nerf gun on my lap and slouched against the side of the couch. Because I only had a smell peeking spot between two leaves, I was 100% sure I was hidden from sight. I watched as Mikey nonchalantly crept down the stairs, headed towards Vinny. I also noticed how Nick was not following Mikey, meaning he was also hidden. Mikey smiled at Vinny then quickly pulled a now aimed Nerf gun’s trigger. Vinny ducked and the foam bullet narrowly missed his head. Vinny stood straight again and shot at Mikey. It flew past his waist, not even close to hitting him. Mikey glanced at the piece of foam lying on the floor behind him, only to give Vinny a chance to shoot again. This time it hit Mikey right in the shoulder. Mikey spun around and chased a running Vinny down the hall.

I listened for any sound that could signal a hit. A sound from the wood set of stairs brought my attention away from the on-going fight. Nick was on the stairs, watching and waiting. I froze and clutched my gun tighter. Did he see me? Did he know my plan? Before anything revealing could happen, I heard a victory cry come from the hallway. I waited, anxious to find out who was out. TO my surprise, I saw Mikey grumbling and making his way to the couch. Vinny had won. I almost cried out in victory, but covered my mouth when I remembered Nick upstairs. Vinny turned to Mikey and asked for the extra ammo. Before he could hand over the yellow foam, Nick shot down from the stairs, shooting Vinny not once, but twice. While Nick was shooting Vinny, I crawled behind Nick and silently shot him in the back. He spun on his heels, surprise washing over his features. His lips soon took the form of a wicked grin. I screamed and darted up the stairs. I flew down the long hallway, hearing Nick bounding after me. Hanging a left, I slipped behind a wall, hiding around the corner. I heard Nick stop. I turned the corner and shot at Nick. He tried to run but my Nerf bullet was faster. It hit his legs. He turned around to chase me and I ran down a hallway. Hearing Nick shoot, I went to duck and roll but, instead I fell to the ground.

I looked up to see Nick standing over me. I cringed. This was it. We were about to lose. “Hannah, oh my gosh! Are you okay?” I shook my head. “Uh, what? Oh um, yeah.” Then, I remembered to do what I could to win. I had to play dirty. “No actually, Nick my ankle really hurts.” He held out a hand and offered to help me up. I took it and stood up, inches apart from Nick. I slowly pressed the tip of my gun to his chest. “I win.” Then, I pulled the trigger and watched as the third and final piece of foam hit Nick.

Chasing Pavements [Sequel to ICONic Dream]Where stories live. Discover now