A Small Fear Called School

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Katie P.O.V

OH GOD, mum got us in school bellville high. I am so scared Gerard keeps saying he will stay with me all the time, but I know that won't last long.


"So hear goes nothing" Mikey said. "Oh God, what about Katie people will say things to her." Gerard panicked. I sent Gerard a text saying "I don't want to be here" I saw Gerard pull out his phone and read the text " I know, but please do it for us and Helena, she will be hear soon and you can tell her all about school." was all Gerard replied with.

"Hey Gerard, Mikey, Katie over here!" we heard Matt call. "I'll take ya to reception to get sorted out." suddenly I felt scared of what he meant by that and Matt noticed and said "I mean get sorted into classes" That made me feel better


Ater we got sorted we check our schedules."Cool, Mikey your with me apart from R.E, shame" said Matt "By the way, We should all go now, so Mikey follow me, Gerard your up stairs, and Katie you are right here, oh and we share Music, science, art and sports together." "Great, see ya guys later. Good look Chemical." Gerard said and with that he was gone.

So homeroom is so scary, mum wrote a note I must give to all my teachers about my anti-social behavior, I felt so embarest when people asked me questions. but finally our day was done, I had fun in my lessons with Matt and my brothers we had:

Lesson 1: Music

Lesson 2: Music

Break (I spent all of break and lunch with my brothers and Matt)

Lesson 3: Art


Lesson 4: French

Lesson 5: Science

End of day

So most of the day was with Ger-bear (a family nickname for him) Mikers (family nickname) and Matt, I don't think it could of got any better.

Our Mum made dinner so Gerard and Mikey did all the talking about school and then we went to bed ready for tomorrow.


sorry it is short it is quite late but hey two chapters in one day.

ohhh that rhymed.

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