Ancient GEEK Mythology!

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So today in Social Studies we started Ancient Greek Mythology. Now when I heard those words I started doing some dance that was a mixture of The Chicken Dance, the sprinkler, and a little bit of the dance you do when you have to pee (I also kind of squeled but whatever).Okay, so I might have  overreacted a bit but it's just the way a geeky fan-girl like me reacts! Not only did I do this, but everytime the teacher got a piece of info wrong I would slam my fist on the table, stand up, point my finger in the air and yell..."OBJECTION!!!"

I would then correct him with satisfaction and sit down. Everytime I do this my friends aplaud and the teachers for other classes come to see what happened.  Next week we start with the Greek Gods and he says I can teach half the class and he'll teach the other. I already have the flashcards and everything MEMORIZED!!! Now I know what your thinking WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!!! Well, ITZ NOT ME FALTS PEEPLES!!! WHEN YOU READ THE SAME WORDS FROM A PERCY JACKSON BOOK OVER 500 TIMES, IT STARTS TO GROW ON YOU!!! My tips to the world, want to do well during your Greek Mythology test in school, READ PERCY JACKSON!!!

So what do ya think, good first chapter?

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