Chapter 3

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           The cop did not hesitate for anyone. He led the group straight down the road, passing the old, young and the sickened. He glided by them with no empathy to stop and ask if anything is wrong. He continued to make lefts and rights until everyone came to large warehouse. He stopped everyone there, and spoke. “Get in groups of ten! If there is any trouble I will do it for you.”

            Quickly, everyone made groups of ten. Cooper and Anthony were paired together, along with eight other people. Two other officers came out from a door along the side of the warehouse and stood at the front of the other two groups. Everyone was told to be quiet and listen to the orders.

            The main police officer that guided the group here commanded. “Everyone, this will be easy if you all listen to my orders. I will be leading the first group of people into the building. The other two officers will follow a group at a time. You all have to be silent for the time being until we get to Commander.”

            A hand flew up from group three.

            “No questions!” The cop snapped. “Now back to my orders. Please do as you are told, or you will face the consequences. Now group one please follow me.”

            The duo, along with the eight others followed the officer through the entryway. They entered a long hallway full of doors. The officer went through one opening that led to another long corridor, with a door at the very end. He opened the entryway to a large room with a long table sitting right in the middle of it.

            After being completely confused with what the group just walked through, the cop said “Take a seat at any one of the chairs, just not at the large one at the very end. If any of you are caught talking, you will face the consequences!” He took one last look at everyone, and with a loud thud, he slammed the door shut behind everyone. The group took their seats, and began to wait, quietly.

            A couple minutes later a very tall man walked in wearing a velvet red robe with gold trim, and carried a large walking stick that had a ball on the top of it that seemed to glow. He was about 7 feet tall, pale colored skin, and had big blue eyes. He also had freckles and white colored hair. He looked to be in his late sixties or early seventies.

            Out of nowhere, a police officer appeared behind everyone at the table, and told them to rise. As told, everyone did so.

            The tall man began to speak in a raspy voice. “It is I, the Supreme ruler of all Clairton. Now if you could please take your seats, it would be greatly appreciated.”

            Everyone sat down.

            “I bring you no harm; I am here to let you know the rules of Clairton. My assistant is passing out a piece of paper to you all. On this sheet are the rules which you shall all live by. Everyone has the same rules, no matter their race or gender. If any one of you has questions please raise your hand, and feel free to ask. Upon me bringing this up, do any of you have questions right now?”

            A young girl with blonde hair raised her hand and asked “Mr. Supreme ruler guy, what’s your name?”

            “My name is Commander. No, I do not have a last name, nor do I have a first. Every single one of you shall call me by this name, or serious punishment will take action.”

            “What is this punishment you and the police officers are talking about?” an older guy raised his hand and questioned.

            “Do not ever, ask that question again! If you do, you will find out the punishment yourself. I can tell you all right now; none of you would want to indoor yourself in such torture. I strictly enforce that all of you should pay attention now, because if anyone of you shall be found going against any rules, your consequences will take action, immediately!”

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2013 ⏰

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