Chapter 15

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(Your POV)

Every now in then, I would look back at Evan and his friends. They would either just stare at me or give me an evil grin. I don't know what they're planning or if they're planning anything, it just really really irks me.

     The second half of the game started and we where already tied with the other team 5 minutes in. I felt someone tap on my shoulder. I turn my head and see Hope.

     "Come to the bathroom with me, I hate going alone." She says.

     I nod my head and we start to walk towards the bathroom, on the way to it we pass our parents who are yet still talking with one another. Hope says hi to her parents and continues to walk. We walk in the bathroom and a couple of girls are at the mirror either applying mascara or taking pictures together. They look at us, before going back to what they where doing. Hope gives a small smile to one of them before going into a stall.

     "So (Y/N), tell me, do you have a thing for Brian? It's sooo obvious that he has a thing for you." She says. I lean against the wall and cross my arms.

     "No I don't have a THING for Brian. I might....... For someone else though. Well not a thing, but I think he's cute..... If he wasn't a jerk." I say starting to rub my neck. I hear the toilet flush and Hope comes out looking at me with question in her eyes.

      "Don't say Evan, for the love of all god don't say Evan." She says walking to the sink. One of the girls applying mascara looks at us.

     "I know you're new here, but don't go for Evan girl, Hope knows what she's saying. TRUST US." She says. Hope looks at me as she washes her hands.

     "He may have the looks, the muscle body, you know the whole typical jock, but he has this whole.... I don't know how to say it, like a game set up." The girl says to me. Hope nods her head in agreement.

     "I already told you what happened to me. I really don't want to see fresh meat like you ending up like me, trust me, it is NOT fun." Hope says. She grabs a paper towel and dries her hands.

     "Anyways I'll see you at practice on Monday KitKat." She tells the girl that I'm guessing is KitKat. The girl gives her a smile and waves to her. We walk out of the bathroom.

     "You never said that he has this.... Game, set up." I say. Before Hope can get a word out Evan and his friends come out of nowhere and sandwich Hope and I together, Evan being on my side while the other two on Hopes.

     "Sup girls, enjoying the game?" Evan asks. Hope stops walking and crosses her arms, shooting daggers at Evan with her eyes.

     "Watch yourself Fong, my parents are here. Don't wanna embarrass yourself in front of them now do you?" Hope asks. Evan starts to laugh and puts an arm around me.

     "Cool it Carson, (not my actual real last name don't worry :D and my parents and sisters name, not their real first name either :D) I just wanna talk to (Y/N) here. You know, have a civilized discussion with her." Evan says. Hope doesn't budge.

     "Then talk, I can hear this to." She says. Evan laughs again.

     "I mean I need to talk to her alone." He says. Hope rolls her eyes, before finally walking a couple of steps away from us. After a good ten steps away she stops and stands their, watching us. Evan sighs and takes his arm off of me.

     "So, tell me about yourself (Y/N)." He says. He's a jerk, he made fun of Hope, Craig, and Brian. He's a jerk...... A cute jerk. I mentally slap myself for that.

     "I'm an open book. It seems like the whole school knows about me and it's already my second day." I say. There, not a direct answer but still an answer. He starts to laugh.

     "You're cute (Y/N), I'll give you that. Feisty on the first day, but you're still pretty cute." He says. For some stupid reason my heart beat quicker when he said that. I can feel my cheeks quickly get red. He starts to laugh again.

     "Looks like someone's blushing. But hey, on a more serious note, whatever Hope or Craig or Brian tell you about me, don't listen to them. They're making up lies, alright." He says. I nod my head. I'm still gonna believe Hope, I just wanna get on Evans good side. He smiles at me before laying a hand on my shoulder.

     "I guess I'll see you at school then." He says. I nod my head as he starts to walk away. Hope quickly walks over.

     "What the hell did he say to you?!" She says looking back at him then to me a couple of times.

     "He um.... first wanted to know a little bit about me, then he um called me cute...... then said to not listen to you Craig or Brian about anything that you say about him." I say. Hope slaps her forehead and starts to shake it.

     "Shit, phase one. You know what, we're going back to my place early. We need to talk, we can't do it here, words spread like a wildfire here." She says before grabbing my arm and starts to pull me towards are parents.

     "Can we go? I'm really eager to show (Y/N) the treehouse before it gets to late out." Hope lies. Her mom smiles before nodding her head.

     "Yeah sure. Make sure to tell Craig bye." She says. Dad looks at me.

     "Don't forget your bag. The car should be unlocked." He said. I nod my head before being dragged again towards Craig and David.

     "Phase one is starting for (Y/N)." She tells Craig. Both David and Craig looked at us shocked.

     "No, we're not doing this again. Not this year." Craig says. Hope sighs before giving him a hug and a quick kiss.

     "We're leaving so (Y/N) and I can talk in the treehouse. Text me the score." Hope says starting to walk away. Craig gives a thumbs up before turning his attention back to the game.

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