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around in your head.


thoughts a day

You shake your head

To clear your mind

and try focus

on the task at hand.

What are your thoughts?

Do you act upon them

all the time?


But they consume you

filling your mind

forcing you to make choices.

So many choices and thoughts.

What's right and what's wrong?

Thoughts make you wonder,

to question, 

to judge,

and to choose.

Why do I have to choose?

What are the choices?

Is this the right choice?

And you wonder- 

thoughts filling your mind.

Eating away at you.

Inside to out.

Thoughts and choices 

make you who you are.

Who are you?



Hi, just wanted to say thank you for reading this!!

I want to know your opinions on my works- please vote and comment what you think of it and if this poem should be transferred into my other collection. 

((And please help me with the titles and cover for my works. I'm not sure what to name them, so I just stuck with "Poems" and "Miscellaneous" and if you would like to make a cover that you think would fit these works, please send it to me))


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