Chapter 13

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Zendaya replied immediately with yes. She even suggested she took her sister. Whom in fact she did take.

Trevor looked at the pictures of the first day they brought the twins home. He looked at Anya and smiled. His daughter looked so much like her mother. Then he looked at Allison. She felt like a daughter to him but, there was something that always made them seem grown apart.

"What you looking at?" Trevor's last night lover asked.

"Looking at pictures of my girls," Trevor replied.

"You have kids?" the woman asked. She looked at the pictures next to the twins'. It was a picture of Trevor and Zendaya's wedding day. "You have a wife too?! What the hell? I'm not a homewrecker."

"Calm down, we got a divorce. And what do you care? You're just a prostitute," Trevor said.

"Yeah but I'm not a homewrecker. I have morals. I am a human being too."

"What ever. Just get out."


Enya, Allison, and Anya were playing in Enya's room. They were playing house and since there were no boys can guess how the mommy, daddy dynamic worked out. "Why do I always have to be the baby? I'm the oldest," Anya whined.

"The oldest by a few minutes. And you're not gonna be married to my best friend," Allison replied. "Enya is my best friend."

"And you're mine Alli," Enya said. She hugged her best friend tightly. "Do you have a best friend Anya?"

"No, unless you count Alli. I don't make a lot of friends easily," Anya said. Enya grabbed Anya's hand.

"We're friends now," Enya said.

"Let's make a promise guys. Enya do you have the rings we bought?" Alli asked. The Flordian nodded and grabbed the bag that held four rings. Alli took the rings from the bag and, handed both Enya and Anya one. "Our promise to each other is that we'll always be friends. We'll always know each other and will never hurt each other. Promise?"

"Promise," Enya said.

"Promise," Anya said. The three put the rings on and shared a group hug. Even though that's what they wanted to happen, that most likely wouldn't be the case. I guess you'll all have to wait and see what happens to these three girls' relationship.


Zendaya held a bag of frozen corn in her hand. She was debating whether or not she should put it on her ankle or her knee. She went with her knee carefully placing the bag on her wounded knee. A knock at the door annoyed Zendaya serverly.

"I just sat down," Zendaya whined. She stood and limped to the door. The brunette opened the door and found her daughters, Enya, and Enya's mother. "Hi girls."

"Hi Ms. Zendaya," Enya said.

"I hope they weren't too much trouble," Zendaya said.

"No, no, no. Not at all. They're actually more behaved than my own children," Enya's mom said. Enya rolled her eyes. "Bye girls."

"Bye Ms. Umanzor," the twins said in unison. The girls hugged their friend and walked into their mother's home.

"Did you two have fun?" Zendaya asked. She limped back to the couch.

"Yeah. Enya's my friend now," Anya said. "And she gave us rings too."

"That's nice. Can I see them?" Zendaya asked. The two girls held their ring fingers up to their mom. "These are really nice. How much did she spend on these?"

"I don-"

"Babe I've got a hard on. Wanna help me with it?" Kenton asked. He walked into the living room butt ass naked, stroking himself.

Zendaya covered her daughters' eyes. "Kenton go put some clothes on. Even if the kids aren't here, it doesn't mean you can just walk around naked."

"Whatever. I'll just wait for you in the room," Kenton said. He walked away.

"Hey girls, how about you call your Daddy to come get you?" Zendaya suggested.

"How about we just take a Lyft?" Anya said. Zendaya gave Anya her signature mother look. "An Uber?" Allison looked at her sister the same way her mom did. "Or I can just call Daddy like you said too."

"Yeah, you do that. Stay out here please," Zendaya said. Hesitantly she stood and walked to her bedroom.

"Took you long enough," Kenton said. Zendaya lifted her dress and took off her panties.

"S-Sorry," Zendaya said. She looked down, scared to walk towards her boyfriend. He stood backing her into the closed door. "I'm sorry."

"You think just cause your kids are here you can talk to me like that?" Kenton asked. He put her in a choke hold. Zendaya struggled for breath.

"I-I'm s-sorr-ry," Zendaya wheezed out. He held her in the air by her neck. She tried to remove his hand from around her neck. "P-Please K-Kenton. L-Let me g-g-go." Her face began to turn colors. He dropped her making her land on her knees.

She coughed violently while holding her knee caps in pain. Zendaya looked up at him in tears. "You better hope that I'm satisfied or you're gonna be in a heap of trouble."

"I do h-hope so." He put his hand out for her to take. He lifted her from the ground and sat on the bed holding her close. Kenton tenderly kissed the bruises on her face. In a soothing manner the blonde rubbed his girlfriend's thigh.

"I'm really sorry for hurting you baby. You just make me so angry sometimes," Kenton said.

She turned her head towards him. She smiled at him dejectedly. "It's okay Kent. I won't do it again."

"Good." He smashed his lips onto hers. Kenton spread her legs and lifted her dress. He grazed his fingers over the brunette's clit. "I'm gonna make you feel so great baby."


"Mhm." Wrong answer, Zendaya thought. He continued to finger her while she kissed his neck. Their moment was interrupted by Trevor's voice.

"Zendaya can you come say goodbye to your kids please?" Trevor asked. Kenton rolled his eyes and ignored the man. Zendaya tried to get out of Kenton's grip. She struggled even.

"Kenton let me say bye," Zendaya begged. "Please baby. The sooner I do, the sooner they all leave. C'mon please."

"Fine, but when they do I'm fucking you in the kitchen," Kenton said.

"Whatever you want," Zendaya said. The man slapped her ass before letting her go. She pulled down her dress hoping it covered her exposed bottom half. Anya and Allison hugged the brunette. "Bye babies."

"Bye momma," Allison said.

"Bye mommy," Anya said.

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