Chapter 14

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"Bye mommy," Anya said.

Trevor picked her up and held her close. He massaged her ass making her moan. "I'm glad we got back together baby," Zendaya said.

"Me too," Trevor said. Zendaya's soft lips met with Trevor's. Her fingers ran through his luscious curls. "I love you so much Daya."

"I love you more Trevy. I missed you so much," Zendaya said. The man sat on the bed with the love of his life. He removed her shirt, showing off her perfect body. "Can I show you baby?"

"Mmh," Trevor replied. Zendaya kissed his shirtless chest. She rubbed his length through his pants. Trevor slid his hands into her pants. She felt his long fingers enter her dripping wet pussy. Her mouth went agape as she let out a load moan.

"Fuck baby," Zendaya moaned.


"Mmmh. Trevor," Zendaya moaned in her sleep. Her hand slipped down into her pants. Kenton looked at his girlfriend touch herself and moan her ex's name. He felt his anger rise.

"OWW!" Zendaya screamed when she felt a hard punch to her nose. "Baby what did I do?!" Zendaya asked holding her nose.

"If you want Trevor than you can fucking go to him!" Kenton yelled. He got out of bed.

"What are you talking about? I don't want him. I want you," Zendaya said following after him. Ignoring her bloody nose she held tightly onto his waist. "Please Kenton don't leave. I don't want him. I swear."

"Didn't seem like it when you were moaning his name," Kenton said.

"Please no." Kenton pushed the brunette off him. "Kenton please I'm begging you. Don't leave me. Don't leave us." With tears in her eyes she looked up at him. She covered her nose. "Don't leave James and I. We need you Kent. I deserve this bloody nose. You're worth it. Just please don't leave us."

The man looked down at her. He slapped her across the face. "Don't ever do that shit to me again." Zendaya looked up at him and nodded. She stood and leaned into his warm embrace.

"I'm really sorry baby," Zendaya said crying. He lifted her into the air and carried her back to their bed. He sat her down. Kenton took the first aid kit off of their nightstand and cleaned her wounds. He kissed her cheek and wiped her tears.

Even though Kenton was abusive, he had his sweet moments. That was what Zendaya loved him for. It was that and she knew his story and why he treated her that way. But that's a story for another day and chapter.


Trevor watched his eldest daughter play piano while his second drew pictures on her bed. He sat next to Allison and looked at her drawing.

 He sat next to Allison and looked at her drawing

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"Wow Alli. That's really good. Did you do this by yourself?" Trevor asked.

"Yeah. I wanted to draw a panda," Alli said.

"This is really good Alli. Do you think you can cook this good?" Trevor asked making her giggle.

"Not as good as Yaya. She makes food better than I do," the green eyed girl said.

"I'm sure you're a good cook," Trevor said.

"She burned her oatmeal dad. Like border line fire burned," Anya said. Trevor looked at Allison. She shrugged and continue to draw. Trevor got up and sat next Anya at the keyboard.

"Can you make me something to eat?" Trevor asked.

"Maybe but, you have to listen to me play first," Anya said. Trevor nodded.


"Thanks Mom. He wasn't too bad was he?" Zendaya asked.

"No, of course not. My grandson is the best in the world," Claire said. "Can I come in for a minute?"

"Um..." Zendaya looked over her shoulder for any signs of Kenton. "Sure." The blonde walked into the condo and took a seat on the couch.

"I think this is my first time coming over here," Claire said.

"Wow. You should come by more," Zendaya said sitting next to her mom.

"I would but your dad-"

"Please don't bring him up."

"Well maybe if you just talked to him things can go back to normal."

"Nothing has been normal since I got pregnant with the twins. And that was almost seven, eight years ago. He didn't come to their first birthday, barely made it to my baby shower, and didn't even come to my wedding."

"Have you tried reaching out to him?"

"Yes but he never answers. And if he does he always says there's my dissapointment of a daughter. He probably doesn't even know who James is."

"Believe me he does. Every time he comes over, they go toy shopping. Your father spoils him." Zendaya snarled.

"One second," Zendaya said.  She picked up James and took him to his room. When she came back out she ran into Kenton. "K-Kent, what are you doing awake?"

"Walking around my house," Kenton said.

"I think you should take another nap," Zendaya said stopping him from walking any further.

"Why are you being weird? Excuse me, I need to get to the kitchen," Kenton said.

"I'll get whatever you need for you. And when I bring it back I c-could help you out with your friend," Zendaya said pointing to Kenton's hard dick.

"Fine but we're gonna talk about this when you do," the man said. Zendaya nodded. Her boyfriend went back into their bedroom. The brunette took a deep breath and walked back into the living room where her mother was.

"So why is dad favouring my son over his first born grandchildren?" Zendaya asked.

"I don't know. Your father is a dumbass. I think we should just remove him from our lives all together," Claire said.

"Mom that's a bit overdramatic. We don't have to isolate him just because he doesn't like the twins."

"I'd prefer if you two didn't talk about me behind my back," Kenton said.

"Um mom, I think you should get going. I'll...see you later," Zendaya said.


"I didn't mean too! Please  stop!" 

"Not until you say sorry," Trevor said tickling his daughter. Anya had covered him in flour while baking.

"S-Sorry dad," Anya laughed. He stood her on the ground.

"Go wash up. I'll get the rest of the cookies out of the oven," Trevor said. She trotted out of the kitchen. The doorbell rang before Trevor could start cleaning. He answered the door to his ex mother in law. "Hi Mrs. Coleman. What's going on?"

"I think Zendaya's being beaten."

(A/N: I did #that. *mic drop*)

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