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I walked out of my room late at night as I heard a riot going on. I ran to the noise and saw Tobirama holding down a girl while someone else was holding down someone else. "What is the meaning of this!?" I glared at Tobirama. "Take back your clan member and keep them away from mine!" I caught the woman. "Tobirama this is absurd! Our clans are meant to live in peace and harmony with each other!" "What is going on out here?!" Madara came from behind me as did Hashirama behind Tobirama. "You need to keep your Uchiha in check Madara!" I ran at Tobirama after putting the woman down but Madara wrapped his arms around mine. "Let me go Nii-san!" Hashirama stepped in front of me facing his brother. "Tobirama, Misty is right. Our goal is to bring peace between the Senju and Uchiha." Madara looked at the woman. "What are you doing out here so late?" She looked at Madara with fear. "I was only going to his house to stay the night with him Lord Madara." Madara glared at Tobirama tightening his grip on my arms making me flinch. "You dare disrupt the peace Tobirama?" Tobirama was getting frustrated at this point. "Hashirama! How can you say that when you yourself are dating an Uchiha!?" Everyone looked at Hashirama with gasps. I leaned my head down letting my hair cover my face. "Exactly my point Tobirama. We do not have to live in war between the two clans. I love her very much, you yourself will one day love someone little brother and will know what it means to defend the one you love. You two, go on to where you were going." The couple bowed to us and I threw Madara off of me. He tumbled onto the floor and I walked away. "Misty where are you going?!" Madara shouted at me but I just kept going. "Look at what you have done Hashirama. The Uchiha don't even want to look at you!" I stopped after that statement. I flashed in front of Tobirama letting my eyes flash to their mangekyo sharingan as I quickly grabbed him by his throat and lifted him into the air. "Misty let go of him!" I looked into Tobirama's eyes making him shriek out in pain. I dropped his shaking body. "You shall not speak so ill of us Uchiha. Next time you will loose your head." Madara stepped back in slight fear. Hashirama ran at me but I smacked his hand away as I walked away. "Misty.." Madara moved out of my way as well. I walked back to the compound and went to my room. I sat on my knees in the center of my room taking my sword off my side. "Lady Uchiha, you are being summoned in the main hall. Lord Madara has requested to see you." I sighed putting down my sword. "Tell my brother I will be right there." I got up heading to my changing space where I dressed in my war attire before leaving to go see my brother. I opened the door glaring at him. He stood up eyes widening. "Misty?" I walked in closing the door behind me. "What is the meaning of your attire?" He glared at me as he was just in a simple Yukata. "Madara my dear brother, you have four days to make a decision. Do not make it based on your time and cherishment for me. You will choose to follow the will of the leaf or join me. I will not speak of my plans with you dear brother for the fact they do not concern you at the moment. In four days they will, but in different ways depending on your choice. Before I leave, what was it you summoned me for?" He walked towards me and pulled me into a tight hug. "Misty, don't do this to Izuna." I moved away from Madara. "Izuna will come with me. He will be safer with me." Madara grabbed my shoulders glaring at me. "You will not take Izuna! I will not let you! Misty Uchiha, You are bound to your room! I will not have you leaving this compound!" I sighed at him. "Madara, my dearest big brother. I care deeply for you but I will not stand here and watch Hashirama and you let Tobirama treat us Uchiha this way. We are not beasts! We are Shinobi just as the Senju are! If we could be treated as equals in this village we could have the greatest most fierce army of shinobi of all time! Think about it Madara! We may even be able to be at peace because the other nations would leave us be! But Tobirama guides Hashirama! Hashirama will follow what he says blindly just as Izuna does you!" I looked at the floor sadly. "What about you Misty? You love Hashirama. What are you going to do? It seems to me like you are declaring war upon the village." I leaned against Madara with the top of my head resting on his chest. "I can not make Hashirama see reason Madara. I will see him before I leave. I told you before, he listens to Tobirama." Madara moved me away pulling off my armor. He lifted my chin up and looked me in the eyes. "If Hashirama can not see any form of reason Misty, then it is time to end things between the two of you." I sighed moving away. "But I love him Madara. I wish to see his reason. I wish he would see my reason." I clenched my fists as I faced my back to him as he threw my armor to the other side of the room. "I know what I must do, but I must talk to Hashirama first. I will be back Madara." He nodded encouragingly at me as I left the room to go change into a simple black Yukata with the Uchiha crest on the back. I left the compound heading for the Senju compound. I stopped at the gate and bowed. "I am here to see Hashirama please." The guard Senju's looked at each other with curiosity. "Lord Hashirama is in a meeting at the moment Lady Uchiha, may we escort you to his head quarters?" I nodded bowing once more. "I would appreciate that very much. Thank you." They nodded taking me to Hashirama's room.

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