Shy - Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Walking with Toby was really nice. He always made me laugh every single minute. Now we talk a lot and he's beginning to have more friends.


Later on that afternoon after school

"What do you want to do after high school?" Connor asked me with his arm around my shoulders.

"I want to go to Berkeley. They have one of the best colleges. And I believe I have really good grades. Hopefully I can go there," I fixed myself to a better comfortable position on my bed,"What about you Connor?"

He sighed,"I kind of want to be a comedian. Well not really a comedian but someone who can make the other people happy, I sptarted a channel on YouTube and I have a couple subscribers now. A lot of people like me!" Connor smiled,"I was hoping that maybe the boys and you would want to be in a video."

I lay there silently going off on a different topic,"Want to go out to the pool?" He looked at me confusingly,"It's really hot and I thought you would like to go."

He nodded happily and jumped up.

"You want to go in the pool?" Connor asked me.

"Well not really we can just you know, hang out there. You can borrow one of Sam's swim shorts. He has a couple."

Connor nodded and walked out the door. I grabbed out my one piece bathing suit just in case. Okay, I hate showing my body a lot.

Connor came back in with black water shorts,"He has a couple of shorts. So I thought this one was the best to pick for a casual touch."

I walked out the door with Connor. We passed by the kitchen,"Mom! Connor and I are going to the community pool!" We reached the door until I heard my mothers voice reply back.

"Nuh-uh!" She walked out the kitchen with a wooden spoon in her right hand,"You have to bring Sam with you!" I sighed and walked upstairs and slammed opened Sam's door.

"SAM!" He jumped up from his bed flying his controller at the ceiling,"THE HOUSE IS BURNING DOWN!!" He made the most girly scream and jumped up grabbing his Xbox.

"IM PREPARED NOW LETS EVACUATE!" He ran out the door. I stood there and opened his drawer taking out his purple swim shorts.


I looked through his drawer deeper and found pink shorts mom gave him earlier over the summer. I laughed a bit and took them.

I ran downstairs and found mom and Connor looking confusingly at me. I walked out the door,"Sam, sorry about that," I laughed a bit, what a horrible sister I am,"I just wanted you to quickly get out of you bed you lazy butt."

"But face." He said walking to the door.


Everyone was ready, Connor, Sam, and I were inside the car patiently waiting for Connor to start the car.

As soon as the car was started, we were off to the community pool.

It was really crowded when we got there. There were a lot of teenagers wearing bikinis. So I decided not to get in if no one else was wearing a one piece. Sam changed like nothing.

I laughed at how stupid he looked,"It's a manly color." He said looking at me and diving in. I looked to my left and saw Connor in Sam's swim shorts.

"C'mon in!" Connor smiled. I shook my head,"Ugh fine. Then I'll make you." He smirked and went in with Sam. I looked away. I felt the bench lift a bit. I looked back and saw Kian smiling.

"Kian!" We both stood up and I came in for a hug. Oh how I needed Kian by my side. He helps me a lot.

"What's up?" He said letting go and fixing his hat.

"Nothing really. Connor and Sam are in the pool."

"What about you? You're missing out!" Kian slipped off his shirt and slightly took his hat off along with his shoes and socks and placed them on the bench,"See ya!" He saluted me and ran to the pool jumping in.

"Are you dating Connor?" I heard a voice behind me. I looked back and saw Samantha glancing at me angrily.

"Yes." I replied back.

"Who the fuck do you think you are! He is mines!" She pushed me off the bench,"He is my boyfriend!" I looked at her confusingly and she pushed me into the pool. Thank god I know how to swim.

"Paulina!" I heard Connor and Kian say simultaneously.

I ignored them and got out of the pool, grabbed my stuff, and smacked her,"I said to not fuck with me! I pulled her wrist and pushed her face forward into the pool. I looked at her for a moment and she was bloody.

I ran to the car and grabbed the keys from my bag and drove away. I don't care that I left Connor and Sam but I just regret what I just did. Everyone is going to think I am going to hurt them now. No. I just started a new life with Connor.

I stopped the car out of nowhere and went into a ditch. It's San Francisco so there are many but it doesn't matter right now. I walked to the corner of the ditch and sat down with my knees up to my chin.

"You're such a loser!" One of the boys said. I was sitting in the corner of the cafeteria. I had my braces with glasses,"Why are you even here? You shouldn't even be living!" They punched me and kicked me leaving many bruised on me to hide from my mom whenever I got home. I would never want to even hurt someone. It's horrible and a sin.

"At least I'm smarter..." I would always whisper to myself after they would leave.

"Take her glasses!" One said. They snatched my glasses and I couldn't see anything,"Haha your a stupid girl."

"Give the glasses back!" I heard a voice say. I couldn't see anything but someone fixed my glasses for me and I saw someone with a long nose and monkey like ears with blonde hair,"There. You poor girl." He picked me up,"Stupid boys are bugging you aren't they?" I stood up and looked into his eyes,"You know you look pretty without your glasses. And those braces make your teeth shine out. They just don't notice how beautiful you are." He smiled and I smiled a bit.

"Th-thank you." I replied back fixing my glasses.

"No problem. By the way my name is Ricky." He smiled and we shook hands,"Were going to be best friends. And I won't let anyone hurt you. Hitting other people just make things worse."

Oh Ricky. . . . How much you've taught me to never hurt others no matter what.

"You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching,

Love like you'll never be hurt,

Sing like there's nobody listening,

And live like it's heaven on earth."

Don't care about what other people think about you.

"Real friends won't judge you in any way. They will always be there for you and no matter what they would always make your day."

What real friends are.

"Real friends is like having a cookie at a table and we both share it equally," Ricky said looking at the stars,"You know what Paulina?"

I looked up at him.

He grabbed a flower and began to pull off the petals,"One day we are going to get married. Even though we are in the first grade, no one will ever get in our way of friendship. Even if we get separated, I will always find a way to find you through a light yellow dandelion." He looked at the flower and smiled,"Don't worry. . . We will stay with each other forever." He looked down at me,"Do you promise me that you will never forget about me and our friendship?"

I nodded and smiled,"Don't worry Ricky. After that day you saved me, I knew you were my hero."

"My guardian angel."

What love means.

Shy ☹ Connor Franta [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now