Angelic Descendancy - Chapter 1

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The battle raged around me. The blood and electric fire were distinct in the clear midnight sky. What seemed like feathers spiraled down from the stars towards the field where the grounded warriors where paired in combat, here and there. The rest were a blur of dark violet and light gray robes in the sky.

In the midst of all the confusion, a woman ran out towards me. Her face, normally gentle and compassionate, was fraught with terror and fierce determination. She hurried across the battlefield, avoiding confrontations and desperately trying not to be seen. Her gaze was fixed on me, ensuring that I did not move. Once she reached me, she carried me to the edge of the dense woods that surrounded the disastrous scene.

“Haven, I know you will probably forget about me,” she whispered to me urgently as she crouched down to my level, “but I want you to know I love you. You will always be my little angel. Take this with you,” She took off the long silver necklace that hung around her neck and clasped it around mine. “It will always keep you safe. Now I need you to listen to me carefully. You must run. Don’t look back just keep running. Stay away from those of the Violet Mark.” A tear escaped and slid down her cheek as she gave me a lingering kiss on the forehead and added, “I hope you are saved from this life.” Her voice was cracking with the weight of her own words but still strong and powerful, as if willing this information to be ingrained into my memory. “Now go!” She pushed me into the woods just as an intense beam of fire hit her back. The blow had her kneeling on the damp grass. She looked at me with what seemed like a great effort and mouthed, RUN. Then she swayed and hit the ground with a soft thump. Her once expressive eyes lifeless. She was dead.



I jumped out from my desk, “Where’s the fire?!” I cried frantically. I found myself standing in the middle of my history class really to haul butt out the door. After a moment of confusion, much to my classmates’ amusement and my embarrassment, I realized I had fallen asleep in the middle of my teacher’s lecture and I slowly sat back down, my ears and cheeks flushed an unnatural red color.  Facing my teacher, I softly said, “Sorry, Mr. Silvermann.” He gave me his famous death glare and returned to his lesson. Geez, now I see why no one wants to piss him off, I thought as I let out a soft yawn.

            Being a straight A and 4.0 student, I was never at the receiving end of any kind of disapproval from a teacher. I was always quiet during class and made sure to pay attention. The perfect little nerd.

            As class droned on I thought back to my dream. One of many that kept recurring when I slept.  The woman’s face seemed so familiar, as if I had seen her before. Whenever I dreamt of her it was the only image that I was left with when I wake up. Maybe it isn’t a dream, but a memory. After turning that idea over in my mind a few times, I ruled it out as impossible. ‘Cause having nightmares and back pain isn’t enough. You want to add insanity too. I sighed to myself and thought about the new developments in my life.

I, Haven Smith, got more than money and presents for my sweet sixteen. For starters, the nightmares started coming every night since my birthday. Next, my eyesight sharpened as if my eyes, that had previously needed glasses to see clearly, had spontaneously recovered. Lastly and the worst of all was the constant ache that seemed to start from my shoulder blades down to the middle of my back. It was as if my very bones hurt. Even my skin would occasionally prickle around the area without relief. The pain pills my doctor gave me didn’t help but I took them to make my parents happy, otherwise they would fuss until I did.


            Finally! Got to hurry and meet Sofia in the parking lot, I reminded myself.

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