Angelic Descendancy - Chapter 3

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“Haven…” said someone softly. “Oh, Haven.”

            Huh?…Where am I? These aren’t my covers…sleepy…

The coaxer continued, getting closer now. “Come on Haven, wake up.”

Nooooo. Go away.

“Wake UP!” they yelled, right in my ear.

I opened my eyes to see Sofia’s face inches away from mine. The curtains that covered her windows at night must have been pulled aside because her room was lit with bright morning sunshine and burned my eyes as they adjusted to the sudden brightness.

“Sofia,” I tried to say as I yawned and squinted at her, “what time is it? And did you yell in my ear? I didn’t appreciate that, thank you very much.”

My best friend was now seated next to my sprawled form on the bed, impatiently waiting for me to finish stretching and yawning before she began to talk. She was still wearing her pajamas from the night before and her usually straight hair was mussed up and tangled. Aside from that, her eyes were alive and full of ready-to-be spilled gossip. She also sported a blissful smile on her face.

“Can you not stare at me like that,” I said to her as I stretched, “You’re kind of freaking me out.”

“Good morning to you too, sunshine,” she began, “Did you know that you’re usually a very light sleeper and the only way I got you to wake up was by in fact, screaming in your ear? I was just laying there right next to you thinking you should have been up before me until I decided to get you up myself.” By the time she finished rambling, she had a face of mock disapproval.

I gave her a very droll stare and simply said, “Did you know that you talk too much sometimes?” Before I threw the covers over my head and curled back into my sleeping position. I didn’t get the chance to get very comfortable before I felt the covers fly off my body and the warm it had provided left with it. I sat up and saw Sofia, covers in hand, walking out of her room.

“Breakfast will be ready in five!” she called out behind her.

I reluctantly climbed out of bed and into Sofia’s bathroom to freshen up for the day. After I had washed my face, brushed my teeth, combed my hair and changed into more appropriate clothing, I walked out of the bathroom and bedroom, following the scent of chocolate chip pancakes to the kitchen.

“I thought you said five minutes?” I said as I entered the room.

Sofia was flipping over pancakes as she watched the morning cartoons. She already had a small stack forming in a plate by the pan. When I walked in, she pointed at the food pantry that was to her right side, indicating that I should get out the syrup for the pancakes.

“What can I say? I felt like making pancakes instead of toast and eggs,” she explained with a shrug. “Are you complaining, Ms. Smith?” As she accused me, she pointed the spatula she was using in my face.

“Who, me? Psshhhh, no!” I said as I brought my hands up in surrender and gave her a sweet smile.

When breakfast was ready and we had both eaten a few pancakes each in front of the plasma screen TV in Sofia’s living room, we washed our plates, turned off the TV and went back into her room. Instinctively, I knew that Sofia was going to explode with talk of what happened last night so I tried to make myself as comfortable as I could on her bed. As predicted, that was exactly what happened not five seconds after I got situated.

“So, about last night.” She began. Here we go. “Talk about a wild party! I mean, the music was just awesome and like, the whole school was there. Would you believe the amount of lights that were on in that house? And then outside! Oh my goodness, did you see the cheerleaders and the jocks? No self-respect whatsoever. I don’t think I stopped dancing all night…”

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