Klaus von Reinherz 1

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I FINALLY did one for Klaus c h ri st

I'm so sorry for doing cheesy stuff I can't help it

Prompt: youre a collector and i work at a store that sells the things you collect and you think im a passionate collector like you but honestly i just live for the little moments in my day when i get to see you again

source: tumblr, I'd put the link here but I forgot where it came from aaGAGAGHAHHA

Anyways here it is (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧


You worked at a plant/flower shop, with all sorts of plants, or species of plants as you'd like to call it. It was an joyful place to work at. Your manager wasn't an asshole and your co-workers weren't too bad either. You  worked mostly at the cashier and helped customers with whatever they needed, even if they were a bit problematic. However, there was one thing you were a bit curious about. There was one man that came in at least 4 or more times a week just to get a plant or two. You put your hand to your chin while your other hand watered a few plants in the shop. "He must be a pretty passionate about plants and stuff here.." you muttered.

It was puzzling for you. He always came in whenever you were at the cashier and would always buy a different plant or flower each time. He'd buy a plant, thank you, and then leave with a tip for you. You scratched your head in confusion. "Okay. I've got the cashier today so he's bound to come in. I'll ask him about it.. yeah." you said under your breath.

The bell near the door rang. Lo and behold, there he was. Your eyes widened. "Well speak of the devil." You watched from afar from around the corner, seeing how he walked around the shop, as if looking for a particular plant. He was pretty tall, taller than you (a/n: unless you're pretty tall then yeah ignore this). Red hair and glasses that suited him. He was in formal wear too, like you always saw him. Your eyebrows scrunched in concentration. Is he buying plants every so often for something important?  you thought.

The mystery man then picked out a few flowers and made his way toward the cashier. You panicked a little. You recomposed yourself and told your self under your breath, "Okay I can do this, yeah-"

You put on your best employee smile and asked, "Back again? I was wondering when you would come back." The man smiled and replied back, "Of course. Today is a vey special occasion for me." His voice was lighthearted, as if in love. You smiled. "Well, I do hope your occasion goes well! Now then.." you said, then averting your eyes to the bunch of flowers he had. When you recognized the flowers, your breath caught in your throat. Being the nerd you are, you knew most flower meanings. He had a bouquet of flowers, all of them different colors and designs.

There was an acacia for secret love, a jonquil for asking to return affection to the sender, a Linaria bipartite for the yearning of someone to notice the sender's love, a sweetpea for gratitude, and many others. Nearly all of them were relating to love and beauty, along with some of them relating to friendship. You were speechless for a few seconds, then realized how awkward it was. You croaked out, "U-Um, that'll be $15.00 please." The man handed out the money, but then did the most strangest thing. He handed them to you. You were in shock. "Uh- Sir? Is there something wrong?" you asked, flustered. He held out his hand more toward you, and shook the bouquet a little, as if trying to say, take it! 

He then cleared his throat and said, "For you." That was all it took for your face to turn red. "I- Um-" you stuttered. You were just too surprised and embarrassed at what he was doing. You took a deep breath and thought, "fuck it. I'll take them." Your trembling hands took the bouquet of beautiful flowers, and you looked to the man who was already making his way out the door. "Um- Thank you! Come back again!" you called out to him, your voice a little shaky from what just occurred. He opened the door and looked back to you and smiled. He waved to you before sending himself off, and you swore you were about to faint from embarrassment.

"Well... that was eventful." you said, your face still red from the event. You then decided that you wouldn't really need to ask him why he came so often. It already obvious after the flowers.


/eternal screaming sounds in the distance



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