Leonardo Watch 1

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a/n: Italics are thoughts

"Ah....what was it that Leo wanted again..?"

You were racking your brain for whatever food that Leo wanted, since it was your turn to get food at the fast food restaurant.

"How come I remembered Zap's order instead of Leo's....god dammit" you cursed.

You sighed and decided to call Leo instead than trying to guess. It was a bit embarrassing for you to call him, since you got flustered sometimes around him even though you mostly kept your cool. Other than that, you enjoyed talking with Leonardo and maybe developed a small crush on him.

You picked your phone up from your pocket (a/n: you can choose whatever outfit to wear) and called Leo, which after a few moments of ringing, he picked up.

"Z-Zap stop I'm not telling them that!


All of a sudden you heard the flirt Zap on the phone and Leo's cries in the background, trying to get his phone back.

"YO [Name], did you get my food yet?" Zap asked.

"Zap, please get off the freaking phone and give the phone back to Leo or else I won't get you anything at all" you threatened. "And what's with not telling me something business??" you added with curiosity.

"Oh that?! Well lets just say that Leo here-"

At that moment Zap was cut off and you heard bumps and the sound of a struggle in the background. You snickered at the sound of it.

Soon you heard Leo's voice on the phone after a few moments of the struggle.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry about that please don't worry about Zap or anything oh my GOD."

Leo's voice was in clear embarrassment, but he was relieved that he managed to kick Zap in the balls and get his phone back before Zap managed to tell you that.

You laughed lightly and said to him, "Leo, its fine! I'm not mad or anything."

Leo stopped his blubbering and took a deep breath. Thank god...

"Anyways though, what was it you wanted for lunch again? I just wanted to make sure that I got your order right." you asked him.

"Oh that? I wanted the regular cheese burger if thats okay." he replied on the other line.

You breathed a sigh of relief. You were right on what he wanted. Now you didn't have to wait in the restaurant filled with people and embarrassing yourself on the phone.

"Thanks Leo, love you." you replied.

"Welcome, [Name], see you soon" Leo replied back.

After hanging up, you soon realized what you just said on the phone.

"FUCK" you whispered/yelled, startling those close too you and therefore embarrassing yourself.

You quickly ordered the food and swiftly made your way out the doors and into the streets, your cheeks hot with embarrassment.

Oh my god I can't believe I said that. Is he okay with that? Does he like me too? Oh my god oh my god fuck fuck FUCK FUCK.

Your thoughts were like this all the way to Libra headquarters, and you dreaded having to face Leo after saying that out loud to him.

However, after you hung up on Leonardo at the time, Leo was just as surprised. He didn't even realize you said "I love you" to him after he hung up. His face was hot with embarrassment and his cheeks dusted with pink after he realized what happened.

Did they really say that to me..? Ahghh maybe it was in a platonic way? Oh my god do they feel the same way I do?  Oh my god oh my god-

Leo's thoughts were like this the entire time before you arrived at the building, and when you finally arrived..

You were embarrassed and scared at how Leo would react. So for that you stealthily made your way to the main room and set the bag of fast food on the table, and went on your way out.


You froze like you were hit with Steven's Esmerelda Blood Freeze attack. After a few moments of silence and awkwardness, you turned around slowly to face Leo.

"Oh UM...h-hello Leo...I-I'm sorry what happened on the phone agh, I mean-ugh what I mean to say is-" you stuttered.

"Uh wait wait! It's fine really [Name]..." Leo interrupted. You stopped talking, but you were still cursing yourself mentally.

"Um, about what you said on the phone [Name]..." Leo said. You prepared yourself for the worst, your face hot with fear and embarrassment.

"I feel the same way." Leo finished, pink dusting his cheeks and twiddling his hands together in a nervous kind of manner.

You were surprised, but at that moment you felt like a million pounds were laid off your shoulders.

"I-I mean if you feel the same way I do to you, um-" Leo then quickly said, his face becoming red.

You stood still and blushed. You tried to say something but was too flustered to say anything.

That's when you decided to hug him instead.

"U-Um is- is that a yes..?" Leo asked from the surprise hug he just received.


You both stood like that for a while until Zap came into the room.

Let's just say he didn't get to eat until a while later.


Okay first off thank you for reading!! If there's any mistakes please tell me ; v;

This small book of reader inserts will mainly be with Leo (since he's my fav lmao) but if you want you can request on the next page ; v;

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