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You've been warned, there will be side pairings of NamJin and TaeJiKook or whatever their proper ship name is XD sorry this chapter took so long but it's a lengthy chapter so that should make up for it! Updates will be slow from now on (I know how could they get any slower?) but life's being a pain so I won't have as much time to write.

The next five days blurred by for Yoongi since he hadn't left his post, stuck glued before his computer finishing up the last few chapters. Finally one early morning, that just so happened to be the day before Jimins big dinner party, or whatever he wanted to call it, he was forced to go wash clothes. Namjoon had cleaned up the entire apartment, but unfortunately had a job interview that specific morning. Meaning, Yoongi had to take a break from writing to wash a few clothes. He had quickly gathered up a basket full of dirty clothes, some his, and some belonging to Namjoon. He opened his apartment door, looking both ways to make sure the hallway was empty before stepping out, and quickly locking up behind him with the laundry basket balanced on his hip. He noted the time, ten in the morning, he sighed in exhaustion since he'd gone another sleepless night to write and proceeded to walk towards the stairwell. He quickly made his way down the stairs, opening the door with his sleeve covered hand and pausing briefly in surprise to see Hoseok sitting atop one of the watching machines, earbuds in, bobbing his head to the beat with half closed eyes. Yoongi gulped at the sight and shrugged off the sudden somersault his stomach flipped, forcing a lazy smirk. He cleared his throat and opened the washing machine lid right next to the one Hoseok had currently been perched upon, causing the dancer to flinch. Hoseok quickly jerked his earbuds out, shock evident on his face "don't scare me like that!" Yoongi merely rolled his eyes, dumping the basket of dirty clothes in, talking as he carried out the task "all I did was open a lid. If you scare so easily maybe you shouldn't have your music turned up so loud," Yoongi teased, tossing the detergent in "it's not very smart to have your earbuds in a place like this," he put the change in and started the machine before finishing his lecture "what if a ghost or a killer was down here? They'd kill you before you had time to so much as pause your music." Hoseok scoffed, despite the obvious fear in his eyes at the realization that he could've very well ended up like one of the idiots in horror movies "oh whatever." Yoongi shrugged, holding his hands up in surrender with a small amused grin "don't get spooked because of me sunshine, I read way too many horror books." Yoongi mentally face palmed at the nickname that had slipped past his lips yet again, and he noted the ever so slight red tinting the younger's ears.

Much to the writers dismay however, Hoseok caught the accidental nickname and questioned him on it "why do you always call me that?" Yoongi cursed under his breath, mentally kicking himself for letting the stupid word leave his lips, shrugging in feign nonchalance "I don't know. Maybe because you seem like you're obnoxiously happy at all times?" Hoseok chuckled, amusement clear in his tone "I kinda am. It's my thing, I make sure everyone around me is happy at all times, and that makes me happy." Yoongi hopped up on top of the washing machine across from the dancer, quietly asking "does it really? Or do you worry more about everyone else than yourself?" Hoseok shrugged, deciding to change the subject "didn't you say you read way too many horror books?" Yoongi nodded skeptically, eye brow raised in mild confusion and curiosity "uhh, yeah? What about it?" Hoseok smiled, eyes glistening as though he'd just struck gold and happily asked "who's your favorite author?!" Yoongi bit his lip slightly, he didn't have a favorite. He really only read his own work, when he was proofreading, he hadn't expected the younger to show interest so the question had caught him off guard. He quickly caught himself and answered quickly "I don't really have a favorite I guess? I like them all." Hoseok smiled fondly, eyes glueing to his shoes as he shyly admired "my favorite is a writer named Suga, I don't like horror or mystery stuff that much but... His writing is captivating to me." Yoongi's eyes widened to the size of saucers, thankful the dancer didn't see his reaction and swallowed hard. A blush crept up his neck at the realization that.. The guy he possibly had a crush on, actually read, and even loved his books. He was ecstatic, and elated but before he could happily interject that he was indeed Suga, Hoseok had continued, dreamy tone laced in his voice as he told of his favorite author "he's just.. He seems like he thinks and sees the world differently. Granted it may be a grim outlook, but it's unique and just so... Him. I've never gotten to meet him to tell him though, he's never showed his face or done a signing." Yoongi frowned, Hoseok obviously thought the world of his alter ego Suga, how could he confess that he's actually a boring shut in with anxiety problems? It would ruin how Hoseok saw him... So he decided to hide it from the dancer, and forced a smile "he sounds pretty cool." Hoseok smiled, finally looking up to meet the older's gaze "he is. Sorry I fanboyed a little bit, I just really love him." The dancer laughed embarrassedly, and Yoongi couldn't help but to laugh quietly along with him despite his inner heart ache.

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