Chapter Two - Best of Performances

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I get dressed and I fool around with Jon, as usual.

"15 minutes until the top of the show!", a member of the crew says through the PA speaker.

This warning is the one everyone hated.

By this time, most of the cast members have been procrastinating, and they now have to get ready last minute.

The cast also hates it, because they all know Jon and I did our vocal warm ups at this time.

We sing songs as best as we can, at the top of our lungs, and it annoys the other cast members.

We hear groans from the dressing rooms next to us.

"5 minutes until the top of the show!", we hear from the PA system.

It's time to go backstage and get ready for the performance.

I tweet a last minute tweet, hug Jon as we exchange our 'good lucks', walk to the backstage area, and shake off the nerves.


Performance time.

I hear Leslie's line "'Get your education, don't forget from whence you came, and the worlds gonna know your name -- what's you name man?'"

As he says this I step out onstage into the dark space.

Suddenly, it's my line. The spotlight is on me.

"Alexander Hamilton.", I sing as I look out into the cheering crowd.

I continue to sing my part, "My name is Alexander Hamilton. And there's a million things I haven't done. But just you wait, just you wait."

The crowd cheers as I finish my lines, and the spotlight goes out.

I stay there until I have to walk down to the stage at the end of the song.

"Alexander Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton. We are waiting in the wings for you.", the cast sings as I walk down the steps.

The cast continues to sing until we all hit the last line, "Alexander Hamilton!"

The crowd goes wild. I look all around. Standing ovations everywhere.

I have the urge to smile, but I can't break character.

I stand there in astonishment, as the crowd cheers louder and louder.

I say to myself, "This is going to be the best of performances."



The show is going great, and the audience reactions are really strong. They've been on their feet clapping and cheering loudly after every song.

I hear a knock on the door.

Thinking it is Alex or Thomas Kail, our director, wanting to give me notes, I say, "Come in!"

The door opens.

It's Vanessa.

She has a big bouquet of roses and a huge smile on her face.

"I just wanted to come and surprise you tonight.", she says.

I smile big.

"Alex and Tommy let me watch backstage, and you were amazing out there.", she continues.

I walk over to her. I grab the bouquet and set them aside. I passionately kiss her.

"Thank you.", I say with teary eyes. "I love you."

"I love you too.", she replies softly.

"5 minutes until the top of act two.", I hear from the PA system.

Vanessa and I exchange good byes and good lucks, and I head backstage again.


"Who lives, who dies, who tells your story.", the ensemble sings as the lights get dimmer.

The crowd goes wild again.

The lights come back on, and there it was, a moment that I will cherish forever -- standing ovations from everyone in the theater.

I look over at Jon and Chris.

They give me a look of, "We did it."

I smile back at them as I give them a look of, "Yes. We did it."

I take my bow. The crowd still cheering loudly.

We take our final bows of the night, and run offstage.

I get back to my dressing room and everyone is celebrating. 

As I take off my costume, Jon pours me a drink.

I take the drink and say, "A toast to the best of performances."

Everyone cheers and clinks their cups together, as we celebrate our successful performance.


Follow, and comment your thoughts! Did anyone catch the Hamilton reference in the title, and throughout this chapter? 😉 I hope you're enjoying this story, and thanks for reading!

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