Chapter 2

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I bang and bang against the top of the box and each time it gets a little looser. I bang the ceiling once more and dirt comes raining down. Why is there dirt? Am I underground? Oh my God, am I in a coffin? That would explain the velvet interior and the shape of the box.

Oh my God, I'm in a coffin, six feet underground. 

I push upwards as hard as I can and more dirt comes loose, instead of being compacted. I give eight more good pushes and suddenly the lid of the coffin comes off and dirt goes flying everywhere. I can see the top of the hole, and when I stand I can reach the edge and grip it. I start to pull my self up, but the dirt crumbles, which is weird because it was completely solid a moment before. I pull myself up again, but make sure not to grip the dirt to hard. I slip again. In frustration I kick the side of the hole; my foot digs into the dirt.

I have an idea. I ball my fists and punch the wall, my fist goes into the dirt. I make several holes like these going up the side of the hole. I hold onto the edge, put my foot into a hole, and start climbing. When I reach the top of the hole and pull myself out I see no one around.

But one thing I do see is the gravestone above the hole of which I crawled out of. Emily Carter, I guess that's my name. August 18, 1996 - December 23, 2013. I'm seventeen years old. Loving daughter and sister, I have siblings! I wish I knew who those siblings were.

I get up and dust myself off. I'm in a pair of white skinny jeans and a white blouse. Or they used to be white, now they have grass stains and dirt all over them. I check the pockets, and I find money in them! The money has clearly gone through the washing machine more than once. When I count the money it adds up to $27.65.

I put the money back in my pockets, and start to walk away. Then I remember the hole. I go back and push the dirt back into the hole and make it look normal. Then I walk away towards the gates of the cemetery. I can hear the crickets chirping and the cars on the road right in front of the cemetery. It's dark so I shouldn't be able to see much, but I can see everything. 

When I get to the road I see lights to one end and what looks like a shopping center, and on the other end all I see is darkness. I start towards the lights, after a while I start to jog, then run. I push myself harder and loom to the side of me. I stop in shock. The scenery around me had been blurred. I start to run again, but I pay attention to how fast I'm going, and I'm going faster than any human being should be able to.

Before I step into the light I brush myself off and run my fingers through my hair, I wouldn't want to scare anyone and look like a zombie, would I? Get it, zombie... I rose from my grave... get it? No? Okay.

I head in the direction of what looks to be a clothing store. When I step into the store I see rows and rows of clothes. The mirror on the back door made it seem like the clothes went on forever. I made my way to the section labeled teen and start rifling through clothes that look like they would fit me.

I make my way to the check-out with several pairs of colored and regular skinny jeans, some t-shirts, a sweat shirt and a book-bag. As I pay for it I get a funny look from the cashier. "What?" I ask her a little rudely.

She looks shocked and looks down at the register to get my change and stutters an apology. I take the change she hands back to me, and that's when I feel it, the burning in the back of my throat. I can hear my heart beating, or is that her heart? The smell of her sweet blood rushing through her veins becomes to much, so I grab my change and bags and bolt out of the store.

What the hell is up with me? Why do I keep picturing ripping that girl's throat out? I start to hyperventilate. I go back to the memory of that guy biting my neck, the pulling sensation as he sucked and him biting his own wrist and making me drink his blood.

Oh my God, I'm a vampire.

AN: I'm just gonna let that sink in, love the song on the side. Dedicated to my favorite author on Wattpad!!! Go check out my favorite book by her called The Bad Boy's Girl!! Peace out girl scout.

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