Chapter 7

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Blare POV:
I came in the restaurant and searched for Meg with my eyes. It was really difficult to find her because the place was really crowded, but then I saw her sitting with Nathan and Simon at the back table near the window.
I came up to them and before I could even speak I heard all 3 of them say "heeeey" at the same time
I sat next to Maggie.
-"so can someone please explain what is going on here?" I said
-"ye sure" Nathan said
"So basically me and Meg are officially dating and Simon has completely fallen for you and ever since you guys met he has not shut his mouth."he continued
-"Nathaaaaan" Simon said
-"what? I just explained how it is...."Nathan replied and started laughing
Simon POV:
I looked at Meg and she lip said to me "ASK HER"
I paused for a while and then asked
-"Blare.... Would you be my girlfriend?"
Blare looked at me in astonishment.
-"yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes " she exclaimed
Meg POV:
-awwww you guys" Nathan said "aren't they cute together Meg?" He asked me
-"ye they are but we are cuter." I whispered while giggling
-"we sure are" Nathan added
Then we all just sat in silence. I looked at Blare and could see that she still doesn't clearly understand what just happened.
-sooooo... What are we going to order? Simon asked braking the silence
-idk it's up to you... Blare said
-"wait why don't we just order taco and salad for all of us?" I asked
-"sounds grate!" Nathan agreed
-"why not... I like tacos." B said
-"I guess I'll just go with it.. " Simon added
We ordered the food and started to wait for it to arrive.
-"so now please tell me where you stayed the night." Blare told me
-"well I got invited to stay at the hotel with the boys by Nathan. And in the end I ended up sharing a room with Simon and Nathan."I said
Our food came. We finished it in about 15 minutes and continued talking.
-"and when are you going to come back home?" Blare asked
-"well I'll live a few more days with them and then idk... Maybe I'll go live with joe."
-"who's Joe?" Nathan interrupted lifting his eyebrow
-"nothing to worry about bae, he's just a good friend of mine" I answered blowing him a kiss
-"but what about your mum... She is probably worried about you?" Blare continued
-"well... She did text me 10 times this morning but I ignored."I replied
-"Meg you should go see her and you guys should talk." Blare added
-"No... I know exactly what I have to do" I said rising my tone and slamming my hand on the table while I stood up from the chair. I moved it out of my way and went to the exit from the restaurant. Tears started running down my face.
-"Meg wait!!!" I could hear Blare shout
-"Maggie stop please!!!" Nathan shouted getting up from the chair.
But I didn't stop, I didn't even turn around, I just ran out of the door and continued running. Not knowing where I was going I ran straight ahead. I could not hear anything, could not feel anything , I was broken mentally.
Nathan POV:
I told Blare and Simon to go to the hotel in case Maggie comes there and ran after her. I dashed outside and could see her run down the street in the direction of the lake.
-"Meg wait.....!!!!" I shouted but she didn't even turn around
All I could do is go after her and that's what I did.
I ran to the lake and saw her sitting there throwing stones in the water and crying. She looked like a tiny, innocent kitten that has been  thrown away. Tears streamed down her soft cheeks and her whimps were heard everywhere.
I came up to her and sat next to her. I put my arm around her shoulders. She laid her head on my shoulder. I wiped her tears and said
-"everything will be ok. I'm with you"
-"I love you..." She said
-"I love you more..." I replied kissing her forehead
-"impossible " she said
-"yes it is."
We sat in silence for about 12 minutes. I sent a text to Simon saying *shes with me* and then I asked Meg
-"why do you get upset every time people start talking about your mum?"
She just looked at me and I could already see tears farming in her eyes
-"ssssssh... It's going to be okay just tell me."
-"it was the day of your meet and greet that I found out my mother lied to me. She made a promise to me that she would buy me a ticket and when I asked her she even said that she already got it for me.In the morning I came down stairs and my mom told  me that she didn't buy me a ticket because she thought you guys were stupid and I should not waist my time on you guys. Do you understand how awful it is when your own mother lies to you?"
-"I'm sorry Meg " I wispered and kissed her on the forehead again
-"Nathan I want to go home..." She said
-"to your mum?"
-"no. To your hotel." She said getting a little angry
-"shhhh ok let's go"
A few minutes later we got to the hotel and went to sleep because it was already 2 in the morning. We came in our number and saw Simon and Blare sleeping all cuddled up in Simons bed.
Maggie POV:
I went to drink some water. When I came back to the bedroom Nathan was already in bed. I went in the toilet and brushed my teeth, then I took of all my clothes and was left in only my bra and underwear. I came in the bedroom and climbed in bed next to Nathan. He looked at me with a smirk. I laid next to him and he wrapped me up in a hug.
-"you look beautiful like that" he whispered in my hair and rubed my thigh. I put my leg on Nathan's leg.
-"I know I do..." I answered
He lifted my chin up and slowly kissed me. His lips tasted so sweet. It was a long and tender one. We stopped after we ran out of air so I laid my head on his chest and kissed him in the neck. I left quite a big love mark on it.
-"Fuck" he said quietly
-"I love you" I smiled at him and fell asleep.

I'm finally back writing. Here is a long chapter for you. Please follow me and give me ⭐️ if you liked this chapter.

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