The After School Program

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Do you really, really think I want to be here?. No I don't. Music ugh I hate that stupid word. " Ms. Lakes?" The lady said. " Yup, that's me and how can I help you?" I said. "You may start" She said. She looked at me in the most ugliest face ever. So I looked at her wit a smug and started to play. As I played my flute, I felt an relaxing smooth grove go through my body. What was it?. " Feeling nice huh?"The lady said walking up to me. Do you really think that I wanted to talk to her? No but I felt that grove and she did too. " You're a real Lake sibiling huh?" The lady said. "Of course I am, why wouldn't I be?" I said. " Look sweetie, there's alot of immitatiers in this life" The lady said. " I don't care, I 'm not one!" I said. " The grove of the music, it's electronic sound wave going through my body. You are talented" The lady said. "Thank You". 

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