lights out!

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Lunas p.o.v.

  as the lights went off everyone in the room screamed i was scared then the backup genorator came on and Cooper (mark), Jay, Max, Harvey and Autumn were gone were missing my mom and I started crying it was scary and Julie came and hugged me saying "it's ok we will find them Together," my mom called the cops and they came right away they said this happened 100 years ago on this day blah blah blah.
    "maybe it's a prank of the legend or the story," Luna said hopefully.
    "maybe," Julie said sadly walking over to Lunas mom "we will find them"

×××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××Harveys p.o.v.

   the light went out and 3 people in black and Cooper grabbed me autumn max and Jay we tried to scream but they put a white cloth over our mouths and we all passed out. We woke up in a dark room and seen someone tied up so I walked over to him it was cooper. "what are you doing here you were with the people who took us and how do we get out," Harvey rambled.
      "the dude that took you is my twin mark he has me here to make me evil and he will hurt others if I don't go evil everyone be quiet he's coming now,"

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