q and a

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here are so questions ppl have asked me before

q. who do u follow
a. maxandharvey_mills Lena_Eua Randomreader_432 storybook_02 Max_Harvey_Fan_Girl Jerseyboys Dem9Mofos bhekbhekbarcena Official_Bieber zack_overlord KianLawleyIsAWEsome grace687 LuizaMariam anny_ogando happy_785 PorSiempreR5 masonfitzzy Mia_Rosey Nae_nae2 ThatGalaxyGal

q. how old r u
a. 13 about to turn 14

q. what's your fave color
a. Teal

q. who is you closest friend on watt pad
a. Nae_nae2 (we talk almost everyday)

q. what team r u

q. who is ur crush
a. my best friend Steven and my best friends twin

that's all the questions I have gotten so far comment or pm me questions and I'll add and answer them

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